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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2018年9月12日 ]

  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

  第一节 单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)


  21. There is _______ umbrella behind the door.

  A. a

  B. an

  C. the


  22. Mother's Day comes _______ the second Sunday of May.

  A in

  B on

  C. at

  D. for

  23. -- I like the ______ named the English World very much.

  -- Me, too. I have read it for many years.

  A. gar

  B. program

  C. movie

  D. magazine

  24. Don't play games on the computer all day, It's ______ to your eyes.

  A. harmful

  B. useful

  C. helpful

  D. thankful

  25. -- Would you like more dumplings, Harry?

  -- ________. I'm full

  A. Yes, please

  B. No way

  C. No, thanks

  D. All right

  26. -- I like the two dresses, but I can only afford ______ of them.

  -- I suggest you take the white one.

  A. al

  B. both

  C. neither

  D. either

  27. We can _______ some information about this city on the Internet.

  A. look up

  B. look like

  C. look after

  D. look forward to

  28. -- _______ fast China is developing!

  -- Yes, we are so lucky to live in such a great country.

  A. What

  B. What a

  C. How

  D. How a

  29. -- Will you go camping with us, Bob?

  -- I'd love to, but I ______ study for the test.

  A. may

  B. must

  C. can

  D. could

  30. Jack ______ a shower when his mother rang him up.

  A. takes

  B. has taken

  C. is taking

  D. was taking

  31. -- Thank you for showing me the way

  -- _______.

  A. No problem

  B. It doesn't matter

  C. It is my pleasure

  D. It's kind of you

  32. -- What do you think of your junior high school life?

  -- I think it is one of ______ periods in my life.

  A. wonderful

  C. much wonderful

  B. more wonderful

  D. the most wonderful

  33. Our parents won't allow us _____ in the river alone.

  A. swim

  B. to swim

  C. swimming

  D. swam

  34. We don't know the love of our parents _______ we become parents ourselves one day.

  A. until

  B. after

  C. when

  D. since

  35. -- I don't know _______ during the summer vacation. Any advice?

  -- How about doing some part-time jobs?

  A. what should I do

  B. where should I go

  C. what I should do

  D. where I should go

  第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  Once upon a time, there was a man called Zheng. 36 lived in a small town. One day he wanted to buy himself a new pair of shoes. He measured (测量) his 37 with a ruler and then 38 down his size on a piece of paper. After that he went shoe shopping。

  When he arrived at the 39 , he reached into his pocket (口袋), 40 he found the paper was not there. So he said to the shop keeper, "I have left the paper at home and I don't know the size. I'll go back home to 41 it." With these words, he ran out of the shop。

  He ran back home, found the paper and then ran to the shop again. But it took him 42 hours and the shop was 43 . He spent the afternoon on the way and did not buy his shoes at last. Someone asked him, "Did you want to buy the shoes 44 yourself?"

  "Of course," he answered.

  "Then why don't you 45 the shoes by yourself?"

  "I trust the ruler more than my feet." he answered.

  36. A. They B. I C. She D. He

  37. A. hands B. feet C. arms D. legs

  38. A. wrote B. sat C. cut D. fell

  39. A. post office B. fruit shop C. shoe shop D. parking lot

  40. A. and B. but C. or D. so

  41. A. throw B. borrow C. get D. sell

  42. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

  43. A. open B. opened C. close D. closed

  44. A. for B. to C. by D. with

  45. A. come on B. turn on C. try on D. get on

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