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2021中考英语作文预测及范文:My Daily Schedule

来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2020年9月1日 ]

  everybody has a daily schedule.we do the same things almost every day.my typical day is probaly like yours.

  here's my daily routine.i get up at 6:30 every morning.i take my time waking up,but then i wash up quickly.i brush my teeth,comb my hair and put on my school uniform.i pack my bag for school and i leave.i never miss breakfast,so i either eat at home or eat on the way to school.but i always eat ina hurry.after school,i go to a cram school like all my friends.i study and finish my homework for the day.finally,i go home and i take a break.i have dinner with my family,watch a little tv and just relax.i am usually in bed by 9:30.

  this is my routine from monday to friday. however,the weekends are different.i can wake up late and have a ball.then.i can do whatever i like.i believe my routine is typical.it is probably a lot like yours.

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