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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2016年4月12日 ]

  题目:请以“Changes in Shanghai"为题,写一篇不少于60单词的作文。

  Changes in Shanghai

  1 300年前的上海

  2 上海的今天(东方明珠、金茂大厦)

  3 上海的明天(2010年的世博会)


  Shanghai was a small town three hundred years ago. There were only a few thousand people living here. Many of them were fishermen and farmers.


  Today, Shanghai is becoming an international city. Many tall building have been built. Some bridges have been put up over the Huangpu River. More and more foreigners come to Shanghai for a visit every day.


  Shanghai has already won the bid for holding the World Expo 2010. I think the environment will be better and better and the city will be more and more beautiful.

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