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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2014年12月8日 ]

  Tuesday July 19th 2005

  Today is the second day of the summer camp. The weather wasn’t very good. It rained some time.

  This morning I got up at five o’clock. And then we went to the playground. We did some jogging, Professor Hu changed his way of teaching, and I think he will become better. I could understand most of what he said. I think I’ll soon adapt it. And I hope we can be more active.

  In the afternoon, our foreign teacher Stephnie talked about music to us. It was the group. From England called the Beatles. I don’t like the Beatles. I don’t like their songs at all. Then we played games. That’s too easy. I think those two games must be played by young children, not us.

  Also, the singing race is coming. I think Daisy is a very good singer. She can sing well. So I think if she takes part in this race, she can get good result so I recommend her.

  That’s all.

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