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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年2月21日 ]

  One day, some people set out to sea by ship. One of 31 took his pet monkey with him. 32 they were far out at sea, their ship was broken for some reasons and everyone fell into the sea, including the monkey. The monkey was sure that he would 33 his life because he couldn’t swim. Suddenly a dolphin came and put him on her back. They soon got to an island and then the monkey 34 down from the dolphin’s back.

  The dolphin asked the monkey, “Do you know this 35 ?”

  The monkey answered, “Yes, I do. The king of this island is my father. Do you know that I am a prince?”

  36 that no one lived on the island, the dolphin said, “Well, you 37 be a prince, but now you can be a king!”

  The monkey then asked, “ 38 can I be a king?”

  The 39 smiled and answered, “That’s 40 . As you are the only creature (生物) on this island, you will naturally be the king!” And then she swam away, leaving the monkey alone.

  The story tells us that those who lie (撒谎) may end up in trouble.

  ( )31. A. you B. them C. us D. themselves

  ( )32. A. Unless B. If C. Until D. When

  ( )33. A. lose B. save C. change D. drop

  ( )34. A. pushed B. turned C. jumped D. climbed

  ( )35. A. accident B. place C. movie D. experience

  ( )36. A. Forgetting B. Fearing C. Knowing D. Hearing

  ( )37. A. wouldn’t B. needn’t C. may D. could

  ( )38. A. How B. Which C. When D. Why

  ( )39. A. monkey B. prince C. king D. dolphin

  ( )40. A. difficult B. impossibleC. easy D. helpful

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