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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年4月12日 ]




  Tony It is important to wear the most comfortable clothes at school.My friends and I all prefer T­shirts in summer.


  Jimmy We do a lot of sports at school,so it is a good idea to wear clothes that are good for sports.


  Susan It is getting warmer and warmer.A dress is a perfect choice.Girls look nice in dresses.


  Johnson Our school has a respect for the traditional Chinese culture.So why not get all the students in Tang Zhuang?


  Emma We'll have many activities in the coming months.So a suit (a set of clothes) will be the one as we need to dress up for these activities.



  16.Isabel: List the foods served on the school lunch menu for one day.Tell why you think that group of foods was chosen.Then write a passage about your favourite school lunch.Tell why it is your favourite.

  17.Michael: Watch a nature or wildlife program on television.Take notes as you watch.Think about what you've learned.Write a passage of information telling about the subject of the program.

  18.Sarah: What is your favourite sports activity? Think of reasons why others would enjoy it too.Does it develop your skills? Does it teach teamwork? Why is it fun? Write a passage that will advise another person to try the activity.

  19.Alan: Music is enjoyable.It can also excite your imagination.Listen to a piece of music that you like.Does it create any pictures in your mind? Does it carry you away to another place? Tell what you can see and hear in your imagination.

  20.Ricky: Sometimes it takes several steps to solve a math problem.Think of a problem that you have solved.You might have worked out how much money you would have left after buying some things.Now tell other people what steps to take to solve the problem.

  16.__C__ 17.__F__ 18.__A__ 19.__B__


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