51. 如果你洗冷水澡的话,会发烧的。 (词数不限)
If you have a bath in cold water, it will .
52. 他们生活的主要来源是什么?
What's main of their life?
53. 树下的男孩是汤姆。
is Tom.
54. 志愿活动是一种学习新的技能和回报社区的好方法。
Volunteering is learn some new skills and give back to the community.
55. 昨晚的才艺表演很成功。
The talent show last night was .
56. 人们一天通常吃3 顿饭。
People three meals .
57. I have tried (两次), but I'll try (再一次).
58. 今天上午有位布朗先生来看你。
Mr. Brown came to see you .
59. 我想让你记住学校晚会的规则。
I want you to remember school parties.
60. 曼德拉是1994年到1999年的南非总统。
Mandela was South Africa from 1994 to 1999.
61. It's our duty to . (尽我们最大的努力去帮助残疾人) (try)
62. She has (一个非常出色的朋友) named Wang Feifei.
63. 他保持着跳高的世界纪录。(词数不限)
He holds the high jump.
64. We all (把他看作一个诚实的孩子).
65. For most kids, the weekend was (混合) fun and work.
66. 北京烤鸭的确是中国的一件宝物。
Beijing Duck is really .
67. 格林一家很和善。
are kind.
68. 英格兰是一个说英语的国家。
England is country.
69. 下个月,我们学校将举办艺术节。(词数不限)
Next month, we will have at our school.
70. 骆驼是丝绸之路上一种重要的工具。
The camel is on the Silk Road.