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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年1月27日 ]


suggest  teach  attention  tradition  watch  prefer quietly  refuse  success    healthy 

  86.He offered to drive us there, but we ____________ to walk.

  87.Thank you for giving us so many good _________________.

  88. We should do exercise every day to keep _____________.

  89.Li Lei went to his bedroom ___________ without making any noise.

  90.My parents are my first teachers. They _____________ me how to be a good child.

  91.We should pay more ___________ to our living environment.

  92. So far, we’ve __________ in saving thousands of people in danger.

  93. Mary invited him to the party, but he ________ because he had to help his father.

  94.They are having great fun __________ a wonderful movie at home.

  95. Mid—Autumn Day is one of the most famous ____________ festivals in China.

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