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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年2月1日 ]

  30. I ___________ my computer for almost ten years. It still works OK.

  A. bought B. have bought C. have had D. have

  31. My dad __________ to Singapore for a meeting. He ________ there twice.

  A. has gone, has been B. has been, has gone

  C. has gone, has gone D. has been, has been

  32. What _______ to you in the last ten years?

  A. was happened B. has happened C. happened D. has been happened

  33. Though the key was pressed, nothing ______ on the screen.

  A. appeared B. was appeared C. appears D. is appeared

  34.You earn a point _______ you answer a question correctly. Which is WRONG?

  A. every time B. each time C. whenever D. while

  35. ---We could ask Jim to sing a song for the party.

  ---________ He isn’t good at singing.

  A. That’s a good idea. B. I’m afraid not.

  C. Why not? D. I hope so.

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