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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年2月1日 ]

  Ⅴ. 时态填空

  1. He ______ (be) very busy last week, so he _________ (not play) his favourite computer games.

  2. I _______ (start) _______ (write) a letter to my parents half an hour ago.

  3. Who _______ (be) late for the class meeting last time?

  4. My father ______ (forget) ______ (bring) his bag yesterday morning.

  5. — What _______ your father ______ (do) before you______(come) here?

  — He ______ (work) in an office, but now he _______ (teach) in China.

  6. My mother ______ (help) me _____ (pack) my case before I ____ (go) to England. After we _______ (say) goodbye at the airport, we _______ (cry).

  Ⅵ. 填入适当的介副词。

  1. I wasn’t ______ the meeting, because I was ill _____ bed.

  2. Do you say goodbye _____ your parents ______ you leave home?

  3. I don’t want to write this _____ my diary.

  4. That boy likes to know everything ______ the NBA basketball players.

  5. Good luck _______ your traveling!

  6. The busy businessman is flying ______ Japan.

  7. — Who was _____ you when you were ill?

  — My parents.

  8. Thank you ______ doing so much _____ me.

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