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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2015年1月21日 ]

  31. —What’s he doing? _____ he _____ the window?

  —No, he is closing the window.

  A. Is, opening B. Does, open C. Can , open D. Is, opens

  32. This cake is very delicious. May I have ____ one?

  A. other B. the other C. another D. others

  33. My job is to feed pigs, but I think it’s ____ than others.

  A. an interesting work B. a very interesting work

  C. a much more interesting work D. a more interesting job

  34. Betty’s mother is ill. She ____ stay at home and look after her.

  A. have to B. could C. must D. has to

  35. September comes______ October.

  A. after B. before C. beside D. behind

  36. Listen! I hear someone _____ outside.

  A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing D. to laughing

  37. My mother _____ a new shirt for me tomorrow.

  A. buys B. is buying C. is buy D. is going to buy

  38. ____ you speak English, _____ your spoken English will be.

  A. The more, better B. More, the better

  C. More, better D. The more , the better

  39. The two girls are shopping. And there’s ____ girl. She’s reading under a tree.

  A. three B. the three C. a third D. third

  40. He _____ right. But I can’t agree with him.

  A. maybe B. may be C. can’t D. may

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