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中华考试网   2016-06-20   【



  Your friend wants to drop out of college or university, do you support that?

  Sample response:

  I'll suggest him to finish college instead of dropping out school. Primarily, what we pursue during higher education is never the mere diploma but the all-round development, like, how to make time management, how to communicate and get along with others etc. These are the key factors that will pave the way for our future professional life. Perhaps, you won't be using algebra or federalist paper later in life, but your critical thinking behind them lasts forever. In addition, excuses of dropping out of school, like exploring the world, can be done whenever you want after graduation.


  Your professor gives you an opportunity to help him work on an important project this weekend, but you was supposed to join your sister’s birthday party. What would you choose?

  Sample response:

  In face of this dilemma, I would choose to help the professor first though attending my sister's birthday party is pretty important to me as well. Primarily, this is an so precious opportunity that one can not afford to miss. This will benefit me a lot regarding my academic performance. As for the birthday party, I can probably explain to her in advance and clearly present the reason, I'm sure she will understand. Not to mention, I can make it up to her, for example, offer her a fabulous dinner and exquisite gift. Thus, I consider that as a relatively reasonable choice.

  Task 3

  Reading:学校要cleaning the grounds, 因为太脏了;还要学生做志愿者打扫grounds。

  Listening: 女生不同意,她觉得其实还好,学校有雇工人打扫,这个环境还在控制之内;其次她认为她们学生到学校是学习的不是来打扫的。

  Task 4

  Reading:organisms 对环境的改变,多为植物,不利于环境,还有新的物种会代替旧的物种。Listening:例子是autogenic succession, 一个森林里一开始又干燥阳光又充足非常适合pine tree,他们就来了变成了森林,结果松针掉下来成了一层,能保持水分就变得wet了,pine tree很茂盛能挡住阳光,就变得很shady, 跟一开始完全相反,反而适合oak tree, 最后这里变成了oak tree的森林。


  Problem: 学校想要reduce newspaper的funding,两个编辑说不能publish了怎么办?

  Solution 1:减少pages,把国家国际时事还有campus unrelated story减少,反正大家都会上网看,弊端是可能会减少学生的兴趣。

  Solution 2:减少copies。学生可以传阅借着看,不用每个人都发,原来每次都有余,弊端是有可能有人就不会看了,不会所有人都会借着看,有时也会有发完的情况


  公司研发新产品会有不同的distribution channels,比如电视网络电话或者实体店,不同产品用不同的方式,教授以书为例,一开始想的是shopping mall里面开store,但是操作要用很多钱,就换成了网络,省钱,有些产品需要根据不同人的需要做。第二个例子是clothing,说是在shopping mall里面好,可以量身定做。



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