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中华考试网   2016-05-09   【


  Task1 – Do you think it’s a good idea for universityto ask a student to leave school if he was caught cheating in exams? Explainyour response in details.


  Idon’t think the university should force the student leave school if he or shewas caught cheating. Firstly, it is human beings’ nature to find shortcuts andmost of us may have done this kind of staff once or twice in the whole life.Frankly speaking, people should be given the second chance to realize theirerrors and make it up later, especially university students. I think there aresome better ways to deal with cheating like giving the student a warning orrequire him/her to have a make-up exam or retake the course.

  Task2 – Some college studentslike to join clubs and enjoy club activities, others like to spend their timestudying another courses or doing schoolwork. Which one do you think is betterand why?


  From my point of view, attending social activities isdefinitely a very important part for students. First of all, students shoulddevelop their skills from all aspects apart from the academic knowledge. Someclubs like sports and debating clubs can help students cultivate some practicalabilities that cannot be obtained from traditional classroom, likeinterpersonal skills, and team-work spirit. Also, students need to attenddifferent activities to explore their interests. You know, one will be more motivatedand devoted in the area that he is interested in.


  学生建议:学校应该displayartwork in the library。





  原因二,图书馆是新的,所以有很多spare space,现在很boring, 可以让学生color it。


  阅读概念:D开头的一个现象。指speciesshowing differences in color, shape, which correspond with various survivalneeds.

  讲座:一种鸟, female 会有feature and largewings with bright color 可以stand out to attractmates male的wings color通常是grey深色的,可以很好的融合在surrounding里,不被predator 发现,可以protect young and mother birds。


  问题:The woman has a time conflict. 假期留校参加地理课实践或者回家。

  Solution 1: 回家,不参加地理课活动,这样可以和父母度过happy time而且她的姐姐这次回来,她们有好久没见。缺点是她会失去这个好机会。

  Solution 2:参加实践,回家团聚下次还有机会.


  Synthetic die的两种不同effects:

  第一个:cheaper,以前只是available forwealthy people, 现在可以available for everyone, 并且fashion-changed,有了更多的colorful cloth;

  第二个:medical use,researcher发现一种yellow die, 可以kill bacteria, 认为cleaningcutting staff for preventing infection 的医学用途。



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