淡水湖4千米冰层以下有larger,complex organism
1. VNP samples样本中可以看到很多这种larger,complex organism
2. 有能量来源,有Volcanic vents
3. 有发现Parasite bacteria暗示有宿主host存在,说明肯定有像fish oyster等complex organisms宿主的存在
1. Sample可能会被contaminated,况且这个淡水湖外部就有很多这种complex organism 所以不能说明一定是来自这个湖的
2. 这种所谓的火山喷发提供能量不靠谱,因为这个lake跟Atlantic之间有ocean currents 所以后可能是大西洋洋流过去的
3. 寄生虫不一定非要依靠宿主,Parasite可以live independently 所以也无法说明这里有complex organisms
The author in the reading passage gives three reasons to prove that there are larger, complex organism 4000 meters under the ice layer of one specific freshwater lake. However, the professor in the lecture presents strong counterevidence to refute such reasons.
The first reason raised by the author is that larger, complex organisms are found exactly in the VNP samples. But according to the professor, the samples are highly likely to be contaminated. Besides, this large, complex organism also exists outside the lake. So it cannot necessarily come from the lake.
Next, the author says that 4000 meters under the ice layer of this lake provides such organism nutrition with volcanic vents, so it is not strange to find this large, complex organism there. However, this is still not convincing according to the professor. The volcanic vents may be transferred there by ocean currents from Atlantic.
The last reason given by the author is that parasite bacteria is found there, indicating that complex organisms, which serve as host, such as fish, oysters must exist. But in fact, parasite bacteria can also live independently. So, parasite bacteria cannot necessarily mean that there’s this large, complex organism.(195words)