Do you agree or disagree that drivers should pay a certain amount of fees so that they can be permitted to drive out in traffic busy time? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. "
Do you agree or disagree with the follow statement? No one can learn to be a leader. You’re either a born leader or you aren’t. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. "1)本题属于TOEFL写作常考的隐藏绝对词题型/教育话题
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. "
题目:犀牛角非常的珍贵,以至于一些偷猎者不惜一切代价地猎杀犀牛,对犀牛的种群数量造成了严重的影响。为了保护犀牛,人们想出一种办法:把犀牛运到别的栖息地(relocation plan) ,防止偷猎者的捕杀。阅读和听力讨论这种 relocation 的方法是否有效。
阅读:阅读:relocation 对保护犀牛没有用。 1. 犀牛在 relocation 的过程中有 2%-5%的死亡率。众所周知,犀牛是濒危物种,因此在运输过程中造成犀牛死亡,这中做法是不可取的。 2. 犀牛有着非常紧密的种族社会关系,如果把犀牛 relocate 的话,就会造成公犀牛和母犀牛的数量不平衡,会对犀牛的繁殖造成影响,此外它们的种族纽带也会被切断。 3. relocation 不能完全防止偷猎者猎杀犀牛,因为犀牛角的价值很高,所以就算把犀牛运到别的地方偷猎者还是会紧随不放,所以不能从根本上解决问题。
听力:听力: relocation 可以很好地保护犀牛种群。 1. 虽然犀牛在运输途中不可避免地会发生伤亡,但是死亡的犀牛毕竟是少数。特别是把运输途中犀牛死亡率和盗猎者猎杀犀牛导致的死亡率对比时,会发现运输途中犀牛死亡数量远远低于盗猎者猎杀犀牛的数量。相比两种情况,还是 relocation 更好一些。 2. 阅读中所提到的犀牛性别不平衡问题在进行 relocation 之前就可以避免。保护者们会挑选一定数量的公犀牛和母犀牛,保持比例平衡。另外带着幼崽的母犀牛不会进行 relocation,不会拆散它们的社会关系。 3. 把犀牛运到别的地方,那里地域广阔,犀牛有很大的活动空间,盗猎者在如此大的范围之内发现犀牛非常困难。另外,有些地方人很难通过,偷猎者无法到达。
题目: 讨论关于 birds anting 这一习性的三种解释。
阅读: Demonstrate three theories to explain why birds have the habit. 1. Birds use anting to irrigate skin during feather change in summer. 2. The acid released during anting by ants can help resist parasites growing on birds. 3. Anting is a way for birds to feed on those ants.
听力: Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage. 1. It is just a coincidence between the time of feather change and bird anting. 2. Anting cannot reduce the growth of parasites on some birds. 3. Birds will have other things to rub themselves, but they do not tend to eat those things.