1. What is the student's attitude about speakingin front of other students?
A. He thinksit will be fun.
B. He viewsit as a useful opportunity.
C. He feelsnervous about it.
D. He prefersit to writing papers.
2. The student talks about a species of fungus.What fact about the fungus interests him?
A. It acts asa food source for other fungi.
B. It growswell on wind farms.
C. It can beused as an alternative source of energy.
D. Itproduces chemicals that destroy toxins.
3. Why does the professor mention trees andapples?
A. To giveadvice on how to explain fungi and mushrooms
B. To showhow the environment can affect growth rates
C. To providean example of the effects of pesticides
D. To give anexample of how a wind farm replaced a fruit farm
4. Why does the professor suggest that thestudent visit the greenhouse?
A. Thestudent might be able to conduct a research study there.
B. A mushroomspecies that interests the student is being grown there.
C. Mushroomsgrow more quickly there than in other locations.
D. Environmentallysafe growing techniques are demonstrated there.
5. Why does the student go to see the professor?
A. To getadvice about how much information to include in a paper he is writing
B. To ask forpermission to change the topic of an assignment
C. To gethelp choosing a topic for an assignment
D. To discussthe results of research he has done for a paper he is writing