Task 1
Your friend went straight to work after high school and skipped university. But now ten years later, he decides to go to university. Please talk about at least one challenge he will face when he goes to university at an elder age.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
It’s never acceptable to interrupt other people when they are taking.
Task 3
阅读 标题: close train station
原因1: few passengers use the station;2 把train station建成café等给学生学习
听力 态度:不赞成(a pity)
原因1:true: not a lot of people use it, many drive; 但是,还有些人用,学生老师 commute to campus; 同时vacation时,学生会从这个station到其他main station, 如果close掉,只能take cab了。
原因2: 学生不需要额外的study place. 已经有很多靠近dorm和classroom building的地方了,举例说有24小时开放的,book store里面的café, 都很安静。 问题是现在很多同学不知道这些地方的存在,学校应该宣传告诉学生这些地方。
Task 4
阅读 标题:cultural preadaptation
定义:when people migrate, they can use skills they’ve developed in previous environment to adapt to new environment.
听力 例子:曾经住在southern Russia的farmer, 后来来到north America。 这两个地方有similar climate—dry。 所以对于farming来讲是个challenge。 但是,本来在Russia的时候这些farmer已经有dry land technique. 他们知道该怎么种,该种什么,所以到了北美后他们用了同样的farming technique,结果很成功,population flourish了
Task 5
问题:vacation的时候学校repaint了dorm hall, 所以现在有smell of paint in the air. 而男生sensitive to the smell。 他会有headache。
解决方案1:switch dorm
缺点1 一换就得a whole semester, 他只想换couple of weeks. 因为old roommates等都在原来dorm
缺点2:他没车,也没bus line. 只能走,来回一天一小时
Task 6(question问法-只说让我们summarize the lecture, 无多余信息)
话题:2 ways birds can cope with strong winds
要点1:对于soaring birds—change the position of wings
(这种鸟得stretch wings and glide, 如果有强风,可能被knocked off the wind.)
遇到强风时,会收回wing,press tightly for 0.5s, 然后再stretch开来
要点2:对于hovering birds—move another part of body to keep balance
遇到强风,但是还需要fly and eat nectar from flower, hummingbird 会move tail back and forth 来keep in position; avoid being blown out of the wind.