Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Workers would be happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.
I agree
1. Workers will get tired easily if they keep doing the same type of task for a long time.(长时间做同样的工作会导致效率下降,不同的工作可以转化思维)
2. By doing a variety of tasks a person can develop skills in different areas.(不同的工作会有不同的要求,从而积累工作经验,这对于未来的职业发展有好处)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Athletes and entertainers can be good politicians.
I agree
1. Athletes and entertainers are popular among the public.(良好的群众基础更容易受到人们的拥护)
2. Athletes and entertainers are good at teamwork. (团队意识对于政府管理非常重要,凝聚社会的力量去解决问题)
Your community has a piece of land and is considering introducing a business to this land. Which business would you prefer? 1. A shopping mall 2. A performing art center 3. A hotel
shopping mall
1. A shopping mall makes people's life more convenient. (生活购物吃饭都很方便)
2. A shopping mall can provide more job opportunities for local people. (商场可以提供各种各样的工作岗位,解决就业问题)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Governments have done enough to educate people the importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating.
I disagree
1. Governments need to do more work on educating people the importance of balanced lifestyle, especially on publicity and the construction of public sports facilities.(一方面政府在宣传上力度不够,以致于现代人们有各种各样的不利于健康的生活习惯,比如说熬夜,吸烟,酗酒甚至吸毒。另一方面公共体育设施严重缺乏,导致人们无处健身。比如说我们小区周围只有一个操场,体育设施也非常的有限,每次去锻炼的时候,人都很多,而且有的设备已经老化甚至根本无法正常使用)
2. In addition, the education of healthy eating habits require more efforts from government, especially in the inspection of food hygiene and safety as well as publicity of regular eating habits.(一方面,食品安全在我国一直以来都是热议话题。但是由于政府监管不力,有很多商家在食品上以次充好。比如说三鹿奶粉。另外,政府没有很好地强调均衡饮食的重要性,所以很多人会有非常不健康的饮食习惯。比如说,人们由于快节奏的生活大都会吃一些垃圾食品,以致于他们会患上高血压或肥胖而得疾病。同时,有些人甚至不吃早饭,这些习惯多对身体危害极大)