1. immigrants把bison做食物;
2. 移民时,带了自己养的马牛,和bison竞争;
3. 枪使得移民者比当地人更能打猎bison。
1. 移民者没有把bison当做主要食物,事实表明bison decline首先表现在了eastern part, 与阅读中所说的immigration route不一致,route是从west to east, 这样的话decline应该先出现在western part。所以不能证明bison是被作为主要食物;
2. bison比马牛更适应当地的气候,天气寒冷,bison有厚厚的毛,可以抵抗寒冷,而cattle and horses就不能与之竞争;
3. 当地人可以精准的shoot bison, nation used guns for hundreds of years。
➤Writing 2
Do you agree or disagree that parents should make suggestion to the teacher if parents find the teaching method is not right?