The woman's problem is that she shared a room with others off-campus. Her roommate is too noisy and she cannot do her own things. She is considering moving to another apartment next year.
There are two solutions for her. First, she can move back to campus. The university dorm has a policy about keeping quiet during certain hours of the day and it isn't expensive. But there's no kitchen in the dorm and the woman is really into cooking. Second, she can find another apartment near campus. It will be convenient because she has a job in library for 24 hours at a time. But with an apartment, she has the added pressure of paying rent.
Problem:professor要带M attend conference, department can not provide money on transportion only afford hotel fee.
1) by air 自己拿钱 but expensive
2)take train but very far whole day moreover, miss a crucial class.
【学生困难】:男生的朋友送了他一张今天晚上演唱会的门票,演唱会有他最喜欢的band的演出,但是男生有一个history paper明天要交,时间冲突了。
1. 去演唱会,回家再写paper, 但是要熬通宵;
2. 不去演唱会,把票给别人。但是这个演唱会N年一次,错过了可能很多年以后才能听到
【1个问题】男生要给一叫Sam的哥们儿送一礼物,因为朋友乔迁之喜,打算在乔迁party上送挑了一个bookcase,因为这哥们儿家里太空了,然后这帮人回去之后发现安装了之后少零件parts missing,这不是坑人么所以就说找店家给我们换,但是店家说要过一段时间才replace 。
【解决方案】男生自己给自己两个方案:方案1、换一个,商店暂时没货,要等2weeks才来新货,赶不上house warming。下周六直接送Sam家,再跟说我们送你个礼物不过太扯了,那还送什么啊方案2、买另外一个新的,但是更贵,超出他们预算了。
男生本来约好一个group discussing,是关于一个due on Monday的paper。但是男的父亲周末五十大寿,他想回去celebrate。另一个人就给了个suggestion: 说向group member解释一下,让他们帮着help out。难得觉得说不好吧。男的自己有说要么就Sunday早点回来,然后还能赶上回来discuss。但是又不知道会不会让他家里人disappointment。
男生本来约好一个group discussing,是关于一个due on Monday的paper。但是男的父亲周末五十大寿,他想回去celebrate。另一个人就给了个suggestion: 说向group member解释一下,让他们帮着help out。难得觉得说不好吧。男的自己有说要么就Sunday早点回来,然后还能赶上回来discuss。但是又不知道会不会让他家里人disappointment。
问题:推销服务质量,还有一个叫TESTMONIA(音)professor的朋友想做paint work,但是没有生意,
Problem: the man is invited to go to a conference in NYC with the professor he's been working with, but only hotel will be covered, he will have to pay for transportation himself.
Solution 1: he can buy a flight ticket and fly to NYC
Pro: meet people, opportunity to learn, more time to be prepared for presentation
Con: expensive
Solution 2: take the train to NYC
Pro: save some money
Con: train ride takes one day, he will miss an important class
女生要展出的画忘在家里了,但今天晚上就要展出,且她的朋友要来看,所以想今晚取来,但是今晚她又要review physical test, 没时间。第二个解决方案是可以让她妈妈送来,但是妈妈明天才有空送来,今晚她的朋友就要来看。
5. The woman plans to go home during the winterbreak, however the ticket is so expensive and she hasn't boughtone.
two solutions: 1. take bus. cheap but 8-hour trip very painful. 2. take 3 am flight. but may interrupt their parents'sleep and inconvenient for them to pick up her.
The girl is on her way to buy groceries for the party tonight. She suddenly remembered that there will be a chemistry review session in 10 minutes. Option 1: go to the sessions, but feel bad because she has promised her roommates and they are going to cook. Option 2: leave early at the session to buy groceries. But there's a quiz next week. She's worried that she won't pass.
The girl attended the rehearsal of a school play, the rehearsal is time-consuming. She is too busy to take many classes and not doing well in study. She does not know what to do.
1. Drop out of play and focus on study.
Con: Her major is theater. Attending rehearsal helps her progress. If she quite, it may make trouble for her professor to find someone to replace her and the professor may be angry with her.
2. Decrease the number of classes, take it next semester.
Con: She has taken the course for 3 weeks and put in so much work in that class. It is a required course. If she drops the class this semester, she has to take it next semester.
首先, 一个男人说, he works in the bookstore in college. His job is to carry heavy box which contains books. However, last week he went to help his friend to move to the new apartment. He injured himself. Doctor said that he cant carry heavy things for a month. So he went back to talk to his boss, his boss offered him a job to be a cashier in bookstore, however, the schedule for cashier only opens in the morning. he has a physic group study at that time. The physic group is important to him coz he improved grade OOXX. so he went to find a dish washer job in cafeteria which fits his schedule. however, if he takes the job in cafeteria, he wont have the discount to buy books in bookstore, which saved him a lot every semester....
女生要组织一场舞会organize a school dance,请了个著名乐队band在舞会上演出。但该乐队因当晚有另一场演出show,他们忙不过来they can't play for the dance show,取消canceled了这次演出。
女生自己说出两个方案:1、请另外一个乐队来表演find another band。但女生说其它乐队没这个乐队受欢迎enjoy。怕观众可能会不喜欢。2、还是请这个乐队,但延期举办舞会reschedule the dance to next week。但如推迟一周的话,就临近期末考试final exam了。到那时,学生已在忙着准备期末考试了,同学可能没时间来参加舞会了。
男生的band需要找新的场地训练,一个选择是租music studio,但是很贵,第二是music building还是什么,时间上有问题,白天不能练习,晚上也不能练习太晚。。。
解决一:rent a music studio
解决二:practice in the music building
答题:陈述问题及两个解决方案之后,可以选择第一个方案,因为在music building里面练习时间很短,并且music studio的费用问题可以很简单地通过成员part-time job来搞定,不用担心经费问题。
The boy was waiting for Greg at the student center to return the sociology book he borrowed for tomorrow's test. But Greg was in the library and forgot. Since the boy got a doctor's appointment and needed to leave campus soon, he had to figure a way to return the book, as Greg might need it for the test.
1. The boy can return to campus after a couple of hours and return the book, but Greg might need it before that.
2. The girl he was talking to can help him return the book to Greg in the library, but this may require her to walk across campus and back.