The Internet has made it possible for individuals to get connected to information whenever they need it. At the touch of a button, tourists can learn almost anything they want to know about a city they are visiting. Local residents also benefit as they can locate facilitates, such as the nearest hospital or community center, in a matter of seconds. However, all the conveniences mentioned above were not possible before the Internet became part of our daily lives. Without the Internet, travelers would have to carry with them a heavy travel guide and local residents would frequently ask neighbors about community service information in person. As a consequence, the Internet plays an important role in our lives by bringing added convenience as well as improving our quality of life to a large extent.
benefit 受益
=be benefited from
✎ reading books benefits students
=students are benefited from reading books
play an important role in 发挥重要作用
=play a determining part in
✎ History, offering a storehouse of information about how people and societies behave, is playing an important role in shaping children’s values and beliefs.
As a consequence, … 所以,表示“结果”,等同于Consequently, …
✎ Children find it easier to communicate with their generation than with their parents. As a consequence/Consequently, they learn more from their peers than from their parents.
改变 revolutionize/transform
跟上步伐 keep pace with
尖端技术 cutting-edge/highly-sophisticated technology
节省劳动力的技术 labor-saving technology
数字时代 digital era
电子商务 e-business/e-commerce
信息技术 information technology (IT)
人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)
互联网用户 Internet user
浏览网页 browse a webpage/website
个人信息泄露 expose/release personal information
数字鸿沟 digital divide/gap
✎ The Internet is as important as other services, such as building roads, so the government should make the Internet accessible to all the citizens at no cost. (2015.4.12)
✎ Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think that accessing too much information can create problems. What is your opinion? (TPO 11)