201. chronic =confirmed a. 长期的;不断的
202. chronic= habitual a. 长期的;不断的
203. chronic =inveterate a. 长期的;不断的
204 chronically=constantly ad. 长期地
205. circuitous =indirect a. 迂迴的
206. circumstance= condition n. 环境;情况
207. cite= quote v. 引用
208. cite =refer to v. 引用
209. classic =typical a. 典型的
210. clear =visible a. 容易看见的
211. clear= apparent a. 显然的
212. cling to= attach to v. 附着
213. close= careful a. 严密的;周密的
214. clue= hint n. 线索
215. coating= cover n. 覆盖层
216. coincide with= be as the same time as v.同时发生
217. collaborate= cooperate v. 合作
218. collaboration= joint effect n. 合作成果
219. collect =gather v. 收集
220. collide= hit each other v. 碰撞