a (large /small /great /considerable /remarkable) number of, a variety of, a set of, a few, 等表示数的固定词组之后总是接复数名词
例题: www.examw.com
In mathematical terms, modern algebra is set of objects with rules for connecting or relating those objects.
应改为: is a set
解释: a set of是固定词组, 表示一套、一组, 后面接可数名词的复数, 与题中objects吻合
At birth, an infant exhibits a remarkable number of motor response.
应改为: responses
解释: 短语a number of 后面要求接可数名词的复数, number前可加某些形容词如great, considerable, remarkable, small 等表示a lot of 或 a few
注意 “the number of” 和 “a number of”的区别
The number of boys in Class Five is 25. (五班男孩的数目是25,后面谓语动词用单数)
A small number of families are able to afford an apartment. (少数家庭能够买得起一套住房, )