NULL Seeking to frame his new administration as one with a firm-考试网


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Seeking to frame his new administration as one with a firm

来源:焚题库 [2021-07-13] 【





    共享题干题Seeking to frame his new administration as one with a firm focus on closing the gap between children from affluent and poor families, Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom will propose spending some $1.8 billion on an array of programs designed to boost California’s enrollment in early education and child-care programs.
     Newsom’s plan, which he hinted at in a Fresno event last month, will be a key element in the state budget proposal he will submit to the Legislature shortly after taking office Monday,a source dose to the governor-elect’s transition team said.
     The spending would boost programs designed to ensure children enter kindergarten prepared to learn, closing what some researchers have called the “readiness gap” that exists based on a family’s income. It would also phase in an expansion of prekindergarten and offer money to help school districts that don’t have facilities for full-day kindergarten.
     “The fact that he’s making significant investments with his opening budget is really exciting,” Ted Lempert,president of the Bay Area-based nonprofit Children Now, said Tuesday. “What’s exciting is the comprehensiveness of it, because it’s saying we,re going to focus on prenatal through age 5.”
     A broad overview document reviewed by The Times on Tuesday shows that most of the outlay under the plan  $1.5 billion  would be a one-time expense in the budget year that begins July 1. Those dollars would be a single infusion of cash, an approach favored by Gov. Jerry Brown in recent years. Most of the money would be spent on efforts to expand childcare services and kindergarten classes. By law, a governor must submit a full budget to the Legislature no later than Jan. 10. Lawmakers will spend the winter and spring reviewing the proposal and must send a final budget plan to Newsom by June 15.
     Though legislative Democrats have pushed for additional early childhood funding in recent years  a key demand of the Legislative Women’s Caucus  those actions have typically come late in the budgetwriting season in Sacramento. “Quite frankly, to start out with a January proposal that includes that investment in California’s children reflects a new day.” state Sen. Holly J. Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) said.
     The governor-elect will propose a $750-million boost to kindergarten funding, aimed at expanding facilities to allow full-day programs. A number of school districts offer only partial day programs, leaving many low-income families to skip enrolling their children because kindergarten classes end in the middle of the workday. Because the money would not count toward meeting California’s three-decades-old education spending guarantee under Proposition 98, which sets a minimum annual funding level for K-12 schools and community colleges, it will not reduce planned spending on other education services.
     Close behind in total cost is a budget proposal by Newsom to help train child-care workers and expand local facilities already subsidized by the state, as well as those serving parents who attend state colleges and universities. Together, those efforts could cost $747 million, according to the budget overview document.
     An expansion of prekindergarten programs would be phased in over three years at a cost of $125 million in the first year. The multiyear rollout would, according to the budget overview, “ensure the system can plan for the increase in capacity.”
     Lempert said the Newsom proposal is notable for trying to avoid the kinds of battles that in recent years pitted prekindergarten and expanded child care against each other for additional taxpayer dollars. “The reality is we need to expand both simultaneously,” he said.
     Another $200 million of the proposal would be earmarked for programs that provide home visits to expectant parents from limited-income families and programs that provide healthcare screenings for young children. Some of the money would come from the state’s Medi-Cal program, and other money from federal matching dollars. Funding for the home visits program was provided in the budget Brown signed last summer; the Newsom effort would build on that.

    单选题第1题The word “one” underlined in Paragraph 1 refers to ().





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    答案解析:细节题。根据题干关键词定位第1段第1句,从结构frame…as…可知,one 应与his new administration致,故正确答案为C。


    单选题第2题According to Paragraph 1, the programs proposed by Gavin Newsom intend to().
  to frame his new administration

    B.focus on closing the gap between children

    C.spend huge amounts of money

    D.increase the number of students in early education and child-care programs in California


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    答案解析:细节题。根据题干关键词定位第1段第1句,从programs designed to boost California’s enrollment in early education and child-care programs可知,designed为过去分词作定语,说明项目的目的,故D为正确答案。


    单选题第3题The phrase “readiness gap” underlined in Paragraph 3 most probably means ().
  between generations between rich and poor between students between parents


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    单选题第4题According to Paragraph 4, Newsom’s plan will benefit() .

    A.children at kindergarten

    B.children from the unborn to age 5

    C.children from 1 to 5 years old

    D.children of prekindergarten


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    答案解析:细节题。第4段最后一句提到“prenatal through age 5”,prenatal意为“出生前”,故正确答案为B。


    单选题第5题The word “outlay” underlined in Paragraph 5 is synonymous to().





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    单选题第6题According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

    A.The Legislative Women’s Caucus proposes additional early childhood funding.

    B.The governor-elect will propose hundreds of millions dollars to develop full-day programs.

    C.The governor-elect prefers a single infusion of cash.

    D.Low-income families do not enroll their children because of partial day programs.


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    答案解析:推断题。根据选项定位原文,仔细甄别后可知C与原文(an approach favored by Gov. Jerry Brown意为“州长青睐这种方法”)不符,而C选项中为当选州长,非同一人,故为正确答案。


    单选题第7题It can be inferred from Paragraph 7 that Proposition 98 must be().

    A.a political act

    B.a constitutional act economic act

    D.a school act


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    答案解析:细节题。根据上下文可知,Proposition 98规定了教育经费的使用,按照美国的政治制度,其必须通过立法授权,故正确答案为B (宪法法案)。


    单选题第8题In Paragraph 8, it is mentioned that if parents attend state colleges and universities, they can().

    A.enjoy services subsidized by the state

    B.get help from child-care workers

    C.enjoy local facilities expanded by the budget

    D.get help from the state


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    答案解析:细节题。根据题干关键词定位第8段第1句,分析结构可知,those指代local facilities,serving作those的定语,故正确答案为C。


    单选题第9题According to Lempert, in recent years battles have arisen().

    A.for prekindergarten and child care to obtain more money from taxpayers

    B.for the government to expand prekindergarten

    C.for the government to expand child care

    D.for the government to expand both prekindergarten and child care


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    答案解析:细节题。根据题干关键词定位第10段第1句,分析结构可知,pit…against each other意为“让……相互对抗”,故正确答案为A。


    单选题第10题The best title for the passage may be().

    A.California’s Investment in Early Education

    B.California’s Investment in Child Care

    C.California’s New Plan to Boost Education

    D.California’s New Plan to Improve Healthcare


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