NULL On the Internet,ads are a real problem. They’re a problem for us,the people-考试网


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On the Internet,ads are a real problem. They’re a problem for us,the people

来源:焚题库 [2021-10-09] 【





    共享题干题【2017年真题】On the Internet,ads are a real problem. They’re a problem for us,the people,and not  just because they clutter up our Web pages, they also cost us money (in mobile data charges),  battery life and time.
     Surprisingly,they’re also a problem for advertisers and websites. Suddenly the  popularity of ad-blocking software has reached a tipping point. According to a study by  Adobe and PageFair (which offers anti-ad-blocking services), 41 percent of adults younger  than 30 use these blockers. Overall, ad-blocker installations are up 48 percent in a year   and that was before Apple began approving ad-blocking apps for the iPhone and iPad last  September, marking ad blocking has come to the mobile world for the first time in a huge  way.
     The thing is, most of those free articles, videos and services you enjoy are brought to  you by the advertising. If you’re not seeing the ads, then the central financial transaction of  the online content economy collapses. What then?
     Some websites appeal to visitors directly, asking you to view the ads. Last summer’s home page said,“Please do us a favor and disable your ad blocker.” Other  sites simply turn you away if you have an ad blocker installed. The sites for leading UK  broadcasters Channel 4 and ITV present a dark screen.
     Enter ad-blocker-blocking technology----Web software that tries to fool the ad blockers  so that the ads appear despite your blocker. Some companies that operate ad blockers even  accept money from large advertisers, although they deny giving ads from those companies,  special treatment.
     But these tactics treat the public as the enemy. They create a technology arms race. “You  will see our ads, like it or not!”
     Advertising executives may tell you that one solution may be native advertising: ads dressed up as articles. They're displayed as actual stories or videos rather than splashy ads,  so they pass through ad blockers. These can lead to some murky territory, however, blurring  the line between traditional content and content aiming to sell you something.
     So tech Utopians like me wonder why the answer isn’t micropayments. You know,  instead of looking at ads, you're automatically billed a few cents for each article you read or  video you watch. Unfortunately, in the late 1990s and early 2000s a bunch of companies tried  to invent micropayment systems; all of them failed.
     To find out why, I tracked down the CEOs of some of the startups who have all moved  on to other endeavors. Micropayments sound great on paper, former BitPass CEO Douglas  Knopper told me. But in practice, they require four things for the consumer that are hard  to pull off: simplicity, ubiquity, security  and it has to be free. The economics to the  retailer don’t work,because there are too many middlemen  credit card processors, etc. So  until someone figures out how to crack the code ... micropayments aren’t going to get any  traction.”
     The timing was wrong,too. Charles Cohen,founder of failed micropayment company  Beenz, told me that these efforts mostly died “because the dot-com bubble burst, and most  of the companies who were accepting and issuing our microcurrency went up in a puff of  smoke.”
     So micropayments may face an uphill battle, but there asn’t any screamingly obvious  reasons why they couldn’t work now. It seems Web companies would be happy to get out of  the ad-blocking arms race, while Web users, well, we wouldn't mind paying a few cents here  and there to never encounter another intrusive banner ad or slow-to-load video ad.

    单选题第1题Online ads are a nuisance for people because____ .

    A.websites are full of ads  

    B.loading ads takes time

    C.they pay money for making ads slow down network speed


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    答案解析:细节题。第1段第2句指出,网上广告让我们困扰的原因有四点,一方面广告会把网页弄得乱七八糟,另一方面加载广告会因消耗移动流量而费钱(cost our money),损耗电池寿命(battery life)而且浪费我们的时间(time)。故选B (加载广告消耗时间)。注意选项A与文中提及的clutter up our Web pages表述相似,容易误选。应辨析两种表达的差异。根据词典的释义:be foil of意为“containing as much or as many thingsor people as possible, so there is no space left”。据此可知,A更强调网页被广告充满了,己经没有空间展示其他内容。clutterup意为 “to cover or fill a space or room with too many things, so that it looks very untidy”。强调堆得乱七八糟,让网页页面显得很不整洁。言下之意,广告影响了网页的视觉效果,但没有影响网页的内容呈现。因此排除选项A。选项C试图用pay money for...吸引考生视线,与后文作者倡议的付费消除广告混淆。

    单选题第2题We can learn from Paragraph 2 that____ .

    A.advertisers are against ad-blockers

    B.most adults utilize ad-blockers are welcomed by companies

    D.the rate of installing ad-blockers is rising


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    答案解析:推断题。第2段第4句明确指出广告拦截软件的安装总量在一年中已然增长了48%。故选D (广告拦截软件的安装率在上升)。41%的30岁以下的成年人使用这些拦截软件,并不是大部分的成年人,故排除B。

    单选题第3题Blocking online ads will have an effect on____ .

    A.the availability of free services  

    B.the economy of the country

    C.the transaction of businesses  

    D.the installation of apps


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    答案解析:细节题。第3段第1句提到广告能推荐你喜欢的免费文章、视频和服务。拦截广告也许会拦截部分免费服务的信息,但并不意味着阻断其他获取免费服务的渠道,故应排除A。第2句提到了广告被拦截之后会出现的问题:网络内容经济的核 心金融交易就会崩溃,因此可以推断广告被拦截会影响金融交易,故选C。

    单选题第4题If you have an ad-blocker installed, ____. will not be welcomed by websites can still enjoy free articles and services online will be required to see the websites’ ads will be interrupted frequently by the ad-blockers on websites


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    单选题第5题Although ad-blockers are loaded, we can still see the ads because _____. fail to work effectively ads are handled in a special way companies cheat the public

    D.competition in blocking technology is fierce


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    单选题第6题What does the word “murky” underlined in Paragraph 7 mean?






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    答案解析:语义题。文中murky的意思是“模糊的,含糊的”。整句的意思是伪装成故事的广告(软文)模糊了传统内容与推销内容之间的界限。故选A (不易看清的,不分明的)。试比较这几个词的释义:
     murky adj.complicated and difficult to understand
     obscure adj.difficult to understand
     somber adj.sad and serious; dark and without any bright colours
     gloomy adj.dark, especially in a way that makes you feel sad
     ambiguous adj.something that is ambiguous is unclear, confusing, or not certain,especially because it can be understood in more than one way

    单选题第7题According to Douglas Knopper, micropayment systems failed mainly because

    A.the companies switched to other trades

    B.the requirements were difficult to fulfill

    C.the micropayment systems were not feasible

    D.the middlemen had to figure out their profits


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    答案解析:细节题。第9段第3句中道格拉斯提到小额支付需要满足用户的四点要求,而这四点都难以实现。故选B (必要条件难以满足)。选项A是小额支付无法成功的后果。第4句提到零售商如果使用小额支付,由于中间环节过多,得不到经济效益。故排除选项C。第5句中出现figures out词,是说有人破译代码,而非中间商算出利润。故排除D。

    单选题第8题Charles Cohen’s statement in Paragraph 10 implies that______ .

    A.micropayment companies went out of business

    B.microcurrency was not acceptable in society

    C.wrong timing means failure to companies was not reliable for free access


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    答案解析:推断题。第10段第1句提出小额支付当时遭遇失败的原因也是时机不对。但不能因此说错误的时机对公司来说就一定意味着失败。选项C排除。第2句查尔斯为作者分析之前所有努力失败的原因,注意信号词“because”,由于网络泡沫的破灭,大多数使用和发布小额交易软件的公司都己烟消云散。句中用了隐喻的修辞手法,把小额交易软件比作“膨胀的气泡爆破后化为一缕青烟”,暗指这些公司都关门破产。故应选A (小额支付公司关门破产)。

    单选题第9题Whafs the author's tone about the future of micropayments?






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    单选题第10题Which of the following can be the title of this passage?

    A.The Popularity of Ad-Blocker Technology

    B.The Problems Caused by Online Ads

    C.The Way to Banish Online Ads

    D.The Failure of Micropayments


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    答案解析:主旨题。该题要求选取文章标题。梳理全文可以看出,作者从网络广告这个问题入手,着重提出解决这一问题的办法用广告拦截软件或使用小额支付。选项A和D都只是文章中涉及的部分内容,不能统领全文。故排除。可以看出两个解决方案都是为了消除广告,因此选C (消除网络广告的方法)。需注意,因为前两段都在说广告是一个问题,容易误选B(网络广告带来的问题)。





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