Model 9 The Two Day Weekend
The two-day weekend is a great opportunity for students to relax after the hard study of the rest of the week. They can indulge in recreations and hobbies,and meet friends. They can also do extra reading for self-improvement,for which they normally cannot find time. Some students get part-time jobs at the weekends to lighten their families financial burdens.
However,there are students who waste their time on weekends. Some play cards or other unproductive games for hours,while others waste both time and money visiting restaurants. Sometimes,they spend those two free days traveling and sightseeing,and as a result are too tired on Monday to concentrate on their studies.
The best day to spend the two-day weekend is to plan carefully so that we are both well rested and prepared to meet the new study week with confidence. We can do this by spending a few hours revising the previous week s lessons and preparing for those of the coming week. The rest of the time should be spent in healthy sporting or cultural activities.
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