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来源:考试网   2012-07-18【


Which way of corresponding do you think will be the most popular way in the near future?

Well, I think corresponding through sending e-mails will be the most popular way in the near future.自www.Examw.com

As everybody can see now, computers are becoming more and more popular around us. More and more people can afford a computer. Also, more and more people are learning to use computers. Compared with telephones, sending e-mails can be much cheaper, especially for long-distance phone calls. Since it contains written information, it is replacing fax to a large extent. Actually, e-mail combines the advantages of both telephone and fax. Like a telephone, it is quick. Like a fax, it contains written information. And it's cheaper than both telephone and fax. So, I believe sending e-mails will become the most popular way to communicate in the near future.


责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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