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来源:考试网   2012-05-18【


What do you think of fast food? Can you tell some of its advantages?
  Today, fast food is developing very fast. Many kinds of food, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, rice and noodles, can be made into fast food. The variety and quality of fast food should be further improved to meet the needs of most people. Fast food has some advantages. We all know that people are very busy nowadays and they often feel very tired because of hard work Therefore, they don’t want to waste much time for a meal, but prefer the most convenient food at hand. Apart from the convenience, fast food is cheaper. It costs people less money in buying fast food than eating in a restaurant. www.ExamW.CoM
  考生在回答此类问题时不要忽视一个问题,要二者兼顾。Fast Food 应该说有不少优势,你在回答时要挑选你能说明白的优势去说,而未必去陈述它所有的优势。

责编:smilemei 评论 纠错


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