When you do listening exercise, You didn’t hear anything, you didn’t understand anything, but you can get the true answer. If you didn’t understand the question,what would you do?
Did you hear about this test? one student and one examiner But pets two students and two examiners
That will cause two problems.
1 That student is really good.
2 Your partner will say nothing.
转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]Sometimes you didn’t understand the examiner’s questions
1 They laugh.
2 They let the examiner repeat the question.
3 They never look at you and never move.
You have to be ready to talk with anyone. Speaking test means you have to make sure you are speaking. I’m thinking that is much more fair. All of my friends want to be Student B. They will be nervous.
A professor cried when I came into the room. contents of pets3 speaking
Part A
Are you a student? Could you please talk about your family?
Do you like swimming? Where do you come from? Where do you study?
Part B
discussion between two students
Part C
It’s about four too five minutes. no describe the picture discuss your opinion How do we assess your English level speaking?