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来源:华课网校   2020-12-09【

  I am very disappointed not to be able to go to see a film with my friends, to play my favorite musical instrument, or to watch TV with my family in the evening. I have to sit at desk and do my homework, which can not be finished until midnight, I'm tired of doing much homework, get bored at taking so many exams, and lose interest in studying.


  Teachers, please get rid of homework and examinations. Examinations are nothing but anxiety-makers. Homework is nothing but interest-killers.


  Teachers, we can learn more outside the classroom. Classroom gives us limited kinds of information. We can only learn some dead knowledge from the books.Teachers, please set us free, and let us learn more outside the classroom from the environment, from TV, from private study or from our friends.


  My dear teachers, can you hear me? Please lighten the burden on students.


责编:wzj123 评论 纠错


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