Scoresof workers from MTV Networks walked off the job yesterday afternoon, fillingthe sidewalk outside the headquarters of its corporate parent, Viacom, toprotest recent changes in benefits. The walkout highlighted the concerns of acategory of workers who are sometimes called permalancers: permanentfreelancers who work like full-time employees but do not receive the samebenefits.
Wavingsigns that read ’’Shame on Viacom,’’the workers, most of them in their 20s, demanded that MTV Networks reverse aplan to reduce health and dental benefits for freelancers beginning Jan. 1. Ina statement, MTV Networks noted that its benefits program for full-timeemployees had also undergone changes, and it emphasized that the plan forfreelancers was still highly competitive within the industry. Many freelancersreceive no corporate benefits. But some of the protesters asserted thatcorporations were competing to see which could provide the most mediocre healthcare coverage. Matthew Yonda, who works at Nickelodeon, held a sign thatlabeled the network ’’Sick-elodeon.’’’’I’veworked here every day for three years -- I’m not afreelancer,’’ Mr. Yonda said. ’’Theyjust call us freelancers in order to bar us from getting the same benefits asemployees.’’
Thechanges to the benefits package were announced last Tuesday. Freelancers weretold that they would become eligible for benefits after 160 days of work,beginning in January. While that eased previous eligibility rules, whichrequired freelancers to work for 52 weeks before becoming eligible, it wouldhave required all freelancers not yet eligible for benefits to start thewaiting period over again on Jan. 1. The 401(k) plan was also removed. OnThursday, acknowledging the complaints, MTV Networks reinstated the 401(k) planand said freelancers who had worked consistently since March would be eligible.
Fueledby a series of blog posts on the media Web site Gawker -- the first post washeadlined’’The Viacom Permalance Slave System’’-- a loose cohort of freelancers created protest stickers and distributedwalkout fliers last week. Caroline O’Hare, a unitmanager who has worked for MTV for more than two years, said the new healthcare plan -- with higher deductibles and a $2,000 cap on hospital expenses eachyear -- had provoked outrage. ’’They think theycan treat us like children that don’t have families,mortgages or dreams of retirement,’’ she said.
OutsideViacom’sheadquarters, several workers held posters with the words, ’’There’stoo many of us to ignore.’’ It was unclearhow many freelancers are on the company’s payroll; an MTVNetworks spokeswoman said the figure was not known because it rises and fallsthroughout the year. The company has 5,500 full-time employees, excludingfreelancers, around the world.
Twofreelancers and one full-time employee, who asked not to be identified for fearof retribution, estimated that the percentage of freelancers in somedepartments exceeded 75 percent. Another labor action is expected to take placeoutside Viacom later this week. Members of the Writers Guild of America, whohave been on strike for five weeks, are expected to picket there on Thursday.
1.Whichone of the following statements is NOT true of MTV Networks’new benefits plan for freelancers?
[A]Its benefits plan for freelancers is highly competitive in the industry.
[B]Its freelancers cannot receive the same benefits as the full-time employees.
[C]The freelancers who are not eligible for benefits should start the waitingperiod over again on Jan. 1.
[D]The freelancers are against the new plan which substantially but their benefit
2.According to the new benefits program of MTV Networks, the followingfreelancers are eligible for benefits except_____.
[A]those who have worked for 160 days
[B]those who have worked for 1 year.
[C]those who have worked since March.
[D]those who have worked since Jan. 1.
3.Theword "reinstate" (Line 5, Paragraph 3) most probably means_____.
4.The MTV Networks spokeswoman did not provide the number of freelancers on thepayroll mostly probably because_____.
[A]the figure fluctuates throughout the year and it is impossible to calculate theprecise number
[B]the company wants to keep it as a secret so as to better stand the protest
[C]the company has no record of the freelancers since there is no such necessity
[D]the company does not want to provide the freelancers with benefits enjoyed bythe full-time employee.
5.Towards MTV Networks’ change on the benefits plan, the author’sattitude can be said to be_____.
freelancern. 自由职业者
reversev. 撤销或取消
mediocreadj. 普通的,劣等的
retributionn. 惩罚,报偿
reinstaten. 恢复
cohortn. 一群一群或一帮人
stickern. 张贴物
fliern. 传单
deductiblen. 扣除条款,保险单内的条款之一,免除保险人对被保险户承受的损失赔偿最初的规定的金额
picketv. 派出纠察员,在罢工或示威期间设置一个或几个纠察队
(1) Waving signs that read ’’Shame on Viacom,’’the workers, most of them in their 20s, demanded that MTV Networks reverse aplan to reduce health and dental benefits for freelancers beginning Jan. 1.
[主体句式]The workers demanded that...来源:考试大
[结构分析]这是一个复合句,前面的现在分词短语作为主语的伴随状语;most of them in their 20s是主语的同位语;谓语demand后是一个宾语从句,在该从句中,beginning Jan 1是一个现在分词短语作a plan的定语。
[句子译文]这些工人大多数都是二十多岁,他们手中挥舞着写有"Viacom 无耻"的标语,要求MTV网络收回于1月1日开始实施的减少自由职业者健康和牙齿医疗方面福利的计划。
(2)Whilethat eased previous eligibility rules, which required freelancers to work for52 weeks before becoming eligible, it would have required all freelancers notyet eligible for benefits to start the waiting period over again on Jan. 1.
[主体句式]While that ... it would have...
[结构分析]这是一个并列句,前半分句中有一个which 引导的非限定定于从句修饰previous eligibility rules,后半分句中notyet eligible for benefits 是后置定语用来修饰all freelancers。
1.Which one of the following statements is NOT true of MTV Networks’ newbenefits plan for freelancers?1. 关于MTV网络对自由职业者的新福利方案,下列哪一个是不正确的_____。
[A] Its benefits plan for freelancers is highly competitive in theindustry.[A] 在本行业内它的福利方案是很有竞争力的。
[B] Its freelancers cannot receive the same benefits as thefull-time employees.[B] 自由职业者不能和全职员工享有一样的福利待遇。
[C] The freelancers who are not eligible for benefits should startthe waiting period over again on Jan. 1.[C] 没有资格享受福利待遇的自由职业者要重新从一月一日开始计算工作时间。
[D] The freelancers are against the new plan which substantiallycuts their benefit.[D] 自由职业者反对新福利方案,该方案大幅度地削减了他们的福利。
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
[分析] 细节题。题目要求找出和新福利方案不符合的一项,关于A在第二段由所提及,是MTV为自己辩护的证据;B在全文中都有体现,第一段工人罢工的原因就是自由职业者不能和正式员工享受一样的福利;选项C在文章的第三段提到,虽然一开始计划改变后是这样规定的,但因职员的抗议,公司又重新恢复了401方案,只要从三月份以来一直在工作的员工就可以享受新的福利方案。选项D,全文中各个段落都提到了这一点。因此,只有C是符合题干的。
2. According to the new benefits program of MTV Networks, thefollowing freelancers are eligible for benefits package except_____.2. 根据MTV网络的新福利方案,下列自由职业者除了_____之外都有资格享受福利。
[A] those who have worked for 160 days beginning in January[A] 从一月起已经工作了160天的员工。
[B] those who have worked for 1 year.[B] 已经工作了一年的员工
[C] those who have worked since March.[C] 自三月以来在工作的员工。
[D] those who start the waiting period over again on Jan. 1.[D] 从一月一日起重新开始等待期的员工。
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
[分析] 细节题。MTV修改了的新福利方案对享受福利待遇的职工作了新定义,这在第三段有说明。新方案规定从一月份开始在公司工作了160天的员工有这个资格,之前的规定是工作达52周的员工;不过这个新规定要求所有还没有资格享受福利的员工要从一月一日开始重新计算工作时间,不过由于职员的抗议,公司决定只要从三月份以来一直在公司工作的员工就有这个资格。那么四个选项中,A是符合的,B无论什么情况下也都符合,C在公司修改后也符合,只有D不符合,没有该资格。
3.The word "reinstate" (Line 5, Paragraph 3) most probablymeans_____.3. "reinstate"这个词(第三段第五行)最有可能的意思是_____。
[A] redesign[A] 重新设计
[B] restore[B] 恢复
[C] revise[C] 修改
[D] reset[D] 重新安排
[难度系数] ☆☆
[分析] 猜词题。首先看到reinstate这个词是由re开头的,因此这个单词应该有"重复"或者"重新"的意思。有了这个前提,再结合上下文来看,401方案取消后,员工进行了抗议,因此MTV对该方案采取了一定行动。可以推测,是一种公司缓和气氛而作的努力,那么应该是恢复了该方案。答案为B。选项的几个单词都比较类似,也都是以re开头的词汇,但是它们之间有一些小小的区别,要注意区分。这道题主要考察了考生的词汇量、以及辨别相近词之间区别的能力。
4. The MTV Networks spokeswoman did not provide the number offreelancers on the payroll mostly probably because_____.4. MTV网络女发言人没有提供薪水册上自由职业者的数量最有可能是因为______。来源:考试大网
[A] the figure fluctuates throughout the year and it is impossibleto calculate the precise number[A] 这个数字在一年内会不停波动,同时也不可能计算出来一个准确数字。
[B] the company wants to keep it as a secret so as to better standthe protest[B] 公司想要对该方面保密以便于更好地抵制罢工。
[C] the company has no record of the freelancers since there is nosuch necessity[C] 公司没有自由职业者的纪录,因为没有做记录的必要。
[D] the company does not want to provide the freelancers withbenefits enjoyed by the full-time employee.[D] 公司不想为自由职业者提供与正式员工一样的福利待遇。
[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆
[分析] 推理题。第五段中提到,目前工资薪水册上有多少自由职员还不清楚,一位MTV网络发言人声称是因为这个数字全年都来回波动,这很明显是一个托词,因为每家公司都会有其各种人员的登记,要掌握具体的数据并不困难。只是公布该数据对公司不利,因为公司自知有大量的自由职员,如果数据公布对罢工者有利,对公司反而是不利证据,因此是因为公司不想让外人知道,以便于在这场罢工斗争中争取有利形势。因此B为正确答案。C和D选项属于无中生有。
5. Towards MTV Networks’ change on thebenefits plan, the author’s attitude can be said to be_____.5. 作者对于MTV网络在福利方案方面所作的调整的态度是_____。
[A] affirmative[A] 肯定的
[B] negative[B] 否定的
[C] biased[C] 有偏见的
[D] neutral[D] 中立的
[难度系数] ☆
[分析] 态度题。文章虽然措辞比较客观,但是从作者引用的例子等还是可以发现,作者对MTV网络公司所作的福利方案变动还是有一定的想法。如他引用的几个自由职业者的陈述都可以表现出这一点来。因此,答案为B。
这些工人大多数都是二十多岁,他们手中挥舞着写有"Viacom 无耻"的标语,要求MTV网络收回于1月1日开始实施的减少自由职业者健康和牙齿医疗方面福利的计划。MTV网络在一次声明中提到其全职员工的福利计划也发生了一些裱画,并且强调对自由职业者的福利计划在本行业来说还是有一定优势的。许多自由职业者没有任何的公司福利。但是一些抗议者声称公司在互相较劲看谁能提供最普通的医疗保健保险。在Nickelodeon工作的马太·Yonda手持的标语将该网络叫做"恶心的elodeon"。"我三年来每天都在这里工作--我不是自由职业者,"Yonda这样说,"他们叫我们自由职业者,目的就是不让我们享受和正式员工一样的福利。"
媒体网Gawker张贴了一系列的博客公告更是火上加油(第一篇公告抬头为"Viacom 的永久自由职业者奴隶体系"),一群组织松散的自由职业者上周做了抗议张贴物并散发罢工传单。卡罗琳·O’Hare是曾在MTV工作过两年多的部门经理,她说这个新的健康保障计划有更高的扣除条款,并设定了每年医疗花费2000美元的最高限额,已经引起了公愤。"他们觉得可以对待我们像对待没有家庭、抵押和退休梦想的孩子一样。"她这样说。
一级建造师二级建造师消防工程师造价工程师土建职称房地产经纪人公路检测工程师建筑八大员注册建筑师二级造价师监理工程师咨询工程师房地产估价师 城乡规划师结构工程师岩土工程师安全工程师设备监理师环境影响评价土地登记代理公路造价师公路监理师化工工程师暖通工程师给排水工程师计量工程师