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来源:华课网校  [2016年3月25日]  【


  41.答案 D. hold back“阻挡;阻止……的发展;隐瞒(秘密);踌躇,畏缩不前”(如His poor education is holding him back; The police had back the crowd; He was holding something back from us; No one held back in face of danger.)hold up“举起;支撑;使停顿,使不能继续进行;(拦路)抢劫”hold on(单独用)“握住不放;坚持下去;(电话)请等一会儿”hold out(单独用)“伸出;坚持(要求),不屈服(for sth)

  42.答案D。alternative(to) n.“取舍,抉择;供选择的东西,替代办法“(如You have the alter-native of fighting or being taken prisoner; The alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting;<常考句型>One has no alternative but to/There is no alternative for one but to fight.)substitute(for)n.”代用品,代替品”replacement(of) n.“替代,替换;替代的人或物”preference(for/to) n.“偏爱,更喜爱;优先(权)”(have a preference for sth; choose A in preference to B.)

  43.答案C。concern vt.“涉及,有关于;使关心,使挂念”(如This matter concerns all of us; I am not concerned with that matter any longer; His illness concerns me very much; be concerned with/about/for/over sth“对……表示关心或忧虑”;注:过去分词作定语放在名词前面表示“关切的”,如with a concerned look;放在名词后面表示“有关的,相关的”,如We shall have to consult the persons concerned.)connect vt.“连接,联系”(句型:connect A and/to B; The pipe connects with the sewer.)relate v.“(使互相)关联”(句型:relate A and/to/with B; relate to sth)interest vt.“使感兴趣,引起……的关注”

  44.答案B. interval n.“(幕间或工间的)一段休息时间;间隔,间距”(at intervals“不时,每隔……时间或距离”)at large(作后置定语)“大多数的”(如students at large);(作表语)“(犯罪分子)未被捕获的,逍遥法外的”△at random (作状语)“随意的,任意地”at length“最终,终于;长时间地,长篇大论地”

  45.答案A。pursue vt.“追求,从事;追赶,追踪”chase vt.“追逐,追赶”attain vt.“达到,获得”reach vt.“抵达,达到”

  46.答案B。qualify v.“(使)具有资格,(使)胜任,(使)合适(如He qualified as a doctor; His training qualified him as a teacher of English; He’s well qualified for/to do the job.)equal vt.”等于,比得上“match v.”(和……)相配,(和……相称“fit vt.”(衣服)适合,合身;适合,符合“(in/into)

  47.答案C. lose no time in doing sth “立即“(如I shall lose no time in beginning work.)delay v.”推迟;耽搁,延误“(句型:delay sb/sth/an action/-ing,不说delay time)lessen v.“减少,减轻”slip vi.“滑落;溜走”

  48.答案A。cut off“切断,阻断,停掉;使电话中断”(cut off the water supply; cut off the enemy’s retreat; be cut off from the outside world.)cut down“消减,减少”cut back“削减,缩减;急忙返回”cut out“割去,删去”

  49.答案B。equivalent(to) adj.“相等的,相当的;等量的,等值的”;n.“相等物”(如What is $5 equivalent to in French francs? His behavior was equivalent to treason; He earns the equivalent of $50 a month.)alike adj.“同样的,相像的”same adj.(必须与the 连用)“相同的,一样的”approximate(to) adj.“近似的,大约的”

  50.答案C。rational adj.“理性的,合理的”(a rational man; a rational plan; rational arguments)responsible(for) adj.“须负责的;责任重大的;有责任感的”reliable adj.“可靠的”conscious(of) adj.“意识到的,自觉的;有意的;神志清醒的”

  51.答案D。shortage n.“不足,缺少”deline n.“下降,减少,衰落”○rarity n.“稀少,少见的人或东西”(常与不定冠词连用)○scarcity n.[u]“缺乏,稀少”

  52.答案B。in case of (状语,放在句末)“以防,防备”;(状语,放在句首)“假如,如果发生”(如Always keep a bucket of water handy in case of fire; In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.)(区分:in the case of 多用于对比,常含有“而……的情况却不同”之意,如Poverty depresses most people, but in the case of my father it was otherwise; Mary failed to hand homework in time because she was ill; but it was different in the case of Jane-she was lazy.)for the sake of“为了,为了……的利益;看在……的份上”at the risk of“冒着……的危险”in spite of “虽然,尽管;不管,不顾”

  53.答案D。at length“长时间地;详细地;最终,终于”(如He spoke at length on his plans for the future; We discussed the matter at length; At length he came to understand it.)in turn“依次地,轮流地;反过来”in conclusion“最后”(用在结束语中)at first “最初,起先”

  54.答案A。give rise to sth“引起,导致,成为……的原因”(如The depression gave rise to widespread unemployment; This plan has given rise to various problems.)reason n.“理由,原因”(句型:have reason to do /for-ing; sth stands to reason;不说give reason to sth)ground n.(常用复数)“理由,根据”(句型:have no ground[s]for-ing; do sth on personal grounds/on the grounds of ill health,etc)suspicion n.“怀疑”(常用搭配:arouse suspicion; have suspicion of/about sth/that…)

  55.答案C。turn out“(工厂)生产,制造(产品);(学校)培养(人才);驱逐,使离开;关掉,旋熄“turn off”关,关闭;转到另一条路“turn down”关小,调低;拒绝“turn in“上交,交还;上床睡觉”

  56.答案B。missing adj.“缺失的,失踪的,不见了,少了”losing adj.“正在输掉的”

  57.答案C.descend vi.“下降,下来;往下走;降生”fall vi.“落下;下降;减弱”decrease v’“减少,减小”lower vt’“放下,降下,放低”

  58.答案C.let off“放过,宽恕(使不受惩罚);允许不干;排放”(如let sb off[from]doing sth“允许某人不做某事”;The judge let him off with a warning“法官给他以警告就放过了他”。)let down“使(某人)失望;放下,降低”let alone“不打扰,不惊动;更别提……”let out“释放,放走;发出”

  59.答案B.blame n.[u]“过错,事故的)责任;责怪,责备”(句型:put/lay/bring the blame on sb“怪在某人身上”;The blame rests on sb“责任在某人”;take the blame on oneself for sth/bear the blame for sth“承担……的责任”)○guilt n.“罪,罪责”charge n.作“罪名,指控”解时不与take搭配;take charge of sth 表示“对……负责,接管”的意思○accusation n.“职责,控告”(不说take accusation for sth)

  60.答案A。adapt vt.“改编,改写”(如The author is adapting his play for television; This exercise is adapted from Book V.)acknowledge vt.“承认,认为……属实”assemble vt.“装备;集合,召集”appoint vt.“任命,委派;约定(时间或地点)”(句型:appoint sb[to be][as]chairman; appoint a day/a place for a meeting)

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