In many countries, more and more people buy a widerange of household goods like television microwaveoven and rice cooker.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
With the proliferation of high-tech products in everywalk of life, an overwhelming majority of familieshave possessed more than one piece of electricaldevice. Whether it does more good than harm tothe society is what this essay focuses on.
Admittedly, a growing proportion of familiesnowadays have been accustomed to living with these amazingly versatile appliances. On onehand, thanks to the sophisticated design, doing domestic chores ceases to be a bother. Forinstance, a vacuum cleaner can help make even the carpeted floor dustless and a micro-waveoven make cooking a manageable and enjoyable process. Desirably, the present device can beso service-oriented that a rice cooker can automatically start to work as long as its ownerpresses a button on a remote control or set the schedule in advance. Thus the time andenergy saved allows people to work and rest better. On the other hand, some appliances suchas television set and stereo system benefit the families in quite a different way. It has been aroutine for many families to gather around a TV after dinner watching their favored programs,which can be entertaining and informative in most occasions and educational in some.
Nevertheless, it can be a potential threat to the health of family members as well as theenvironment as a whole. Firstly, the convenience brought about by the appliances alsodeprives them of the possibilities to consume a regular amount of calories at home, which, in along run, is likely to undermine their health since many of them have sat through a day in theworkplace. Another detrimental effect is the notorious radiation and it has been reported thatwhen some electrical device are placed in a limited close space, the radiation they give off isnot added but multiplied and this can trigger cancer, hurt one' s eyesight and particularlydamage the pregnant. Pitifully, a large proportion of the electricity is not made good use ofsince the poor design and some people just use them lavishly.