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中华考试网   2016-08-03   【

  1. Describe a book you would recommend to your friends

  2. Describe a toy you used to play with

  3. Describe an interesting photo

  Part3 where do you like taking pictures? Is photography a piece of art? What is the difference between taking pictures by cell phone and camera? Which method do you like? Are skills required when we take pictures? What are the disadvantages of taking pictures by cell phone?

  4. Describe a wild animal/ a situation coming closed to a wild animal

  Part3 Do you like pets? Do you keep pets? Why do people keep pets? What kinds of pets are popular in China? What is the role of animals in your country? How do people treat animals? Should we protect the wild animal? What measures should the government take to protect the wild animal? What makes the animals endangered?

  5. Describe a present you gave to your friend

  Part3 What are presents usually given in China? Which situation is suitable to give a present? What is the present you’d like to receive? There are givers and receivers while the gift is given. What are the feelings of the two when giving a present? Would you like to be a giver or receiver? Is present giving important?

  7. Describe your favorite weather/ season

  Part3 What is the influence of the season on people’s wear? Can you tell me some festivals related to different seasons?What is the influence global warming has on us? As far as global warming is concerned, what should we do to improve the weather?

  8. Describe a vehicle you want to own or you would like to buy

  Part3 What are advantages and disadvantages of the bicycle? Is it dangerous to ride the bicycle? What do you think about the motorcycle?

  9. Describe communication ways(telephone, e-mail, letter or text messages)

  Part3 Do you think the mobile phone is important?

  Do you prefer to make phone calls or send messages?

  Do you prefer to send emails or letters?

  What are the disadvantages of the mobile phone?

  What can the mobile phone bring us in the future?

  What will the communication method be like in the future?

  10. Describe a difficult thing you did well

  Part3: Do you like chanllenge? Is ambiton important? What are problems that teenagers are facing in China now? How to cope with them? What do you think about ambition?



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