Section Four
场次 2011109 20110105 2007 2006
学科 其他
题型 填空 10
内容概述 一个男生介绍如何做演讲
1. 演讲者会变得更紧张,people get more nervous if the speech is important
2. The speech is not a gift 天赋 but can be learned by people.
3. 说昕众往往记住你的 audience will only remember the last thing you said
4. 确保你的演讲内容 be well-organized
5. Don't start your speech until audience pay attention
6. 你可以把你的大意记在 card 或者 you can make your notes on cards or a
sheet of paper
7. don’t need to write speech in full
8. 可以只写 just one or two ideas
9. 记住要 time yourself
10. 不要 just read your talks