1. “霸座”:take/occupy one's seat and refuse to leave
2. 空出;腾出:vacate
3. 高铁乘客:high-speed train passengers
4. 遵守规则:obey the rules
5. 一系列的“霸座”行为:a number of seat-stealing incidents
6. 据说,一个男的在火车上“霸占”了一位年轻女士的座位,并拒绝让座。
It was said that a man took a young woman's seat on a train and refused to vacate it.
7. “霸座”是不文明的行为。
It is uncivilized acts to take the passenger's seat and refuse to leave.
8. “霸座”的人将会受到相应的惩罚。
The one who takes other passenger's seat and refuses to leave will be punished.
1. 世界杯: World Cup
2. 2018俄罗斯世界杯:2018 FIFA World Cup
3. 大力神杯:FIFA World Cup Trophy
4. 教练 coach
5. 前锋 striker/forward
6. 后卫 back/defender
7. 左(右)后卫 left/right back
8. 中后卫 center back
9. 全能选手 utility player
10. 守门员 keeper/goalkeeper/goaltender
11. 攻击型前卫/前腰 attacking midfielder
12. 防守型前卫/后腰 defending midfielder
13. 梅开二度 score twice
14. 帽子戏法 hat trick
15. 乌龙球 own goal
热点资讯:2019年高考时间6月7日-8日 2019年普通高等学校招生工作规定