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中华考试网  2015-09-18  【



  In 2012,I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writer's conference in Orlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n)__1__ might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I __2__.

  Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring, but I __3__ to catch a taxi to my __4__ and settle in. Next morning, I took another __5__ to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs. __6__ I went to a café to have lunch, but all the tables were __7__. Then I heard a friendly voice saying, “You can __8__ my table.”

  I gratefully sat down with the __9__ lady and we had a happy lunch together. As the __10__ drew to a close she asked how long I would be in Orlando. I had already told her that I hadn't __11__ a car, and hadn't realised how __12__ taking taxis would be. After a while she said, “ My dear, don't use any more taxis. I'm retired and it would be my pleasure to __13__ you wherever you wish.” I told her that I couldn't put her to that __14__, but she brushed my protests (反对). She asked me where I was __15__ and next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the __16__ time to take me to Disney World. She spent some time with me before leaving me to __17__ alone. At the end of the day, she __18__ to take me back to my accommodation. I __19__ her money but she refused to take any.

  I'll never forget that wonderful lady who, through her __20__, filled my brief holiday in Florida with wonderful memories.


  1.A.holiday       B.ceremony

  C.operation D.experiment

  答案:A 根据“an invitation to a writer's conference”可排除C项operation“手术”和D项experiment“实验”。结合上句中“I had just recovered from a serious illness”以及接下来的“might be just what the doctor ordered”可知选A项。医生给刚刚康复病人的医嘱自然是“度假”,而不是“仪式”。最后一段中的holiday即为提示词。

  2.A.kept   B.went

  C.dropped   D.knocked

  答案:B 本句为部分倒装,将作状语的off前置了。正常的结构为:so I went off。go off(=leave off)出发;keep off远离,(使)不靠近;drop off落下,减少,(使)下车;knock off下班,完成,降低。根据上句中“I received an invitation to a writer's conference in Orlando, Florida”可知,作者是“出发”去参加作者会。故选B项。

  3.A.intended B.promised

  C.managed   D.deserved

  答案:C intend意图,打算;promise答应,许诺;manage设法;deserve值得。根据“was rather tiring,but”可知选C项。manage to do sth.意为“虽然费尽周折但设法做成某事”。句意:到达阳光州(指佛罗里达州)相当疲劳,但我还是成功地搭乘出租车到达了我的住处并安顿了下来。

  4.A.hospital B.company

  D.university D.accommodation

  答案:D 根据上文,作者是应邀来出席作者会,自然settle in的不是company或者university,更不可能是hospital,而是accommodation(住处)。下文“At the end of the day, she__18__ to take me back to my accommodation.”中的accommodation也是提示。故选D项。

  5.A.colleague B.passenger

  C.suitcase   D.taxi

  答案:D 外出自然是搭乘“出租车”,本句的another taxi是承接上句的a taxi。故选D项。如果选择其他选项,则another出现得太突然,因为上文没有提及这些人或物。句意:第二天上午,我坐另一辆出租车到购物中心买了一些纪念品。

  6.A.Instead B.First

  C.Later   D.Once

  答案:C instead“相反”,否定前者,肯定后者;first“首先”,表示顺序;later“之后,随后”,表示时间;once“一旦”,表示时间或条件。根据语境,作者是在购物中心买了一些纪念品之后去一家咖啡屋吃午餐,两件事情都做了,可排除A项。went to a caf? to have lunch不属于buy a few souvenirs,不存在使用first来表示顺序或列举的情况。once用作副词,意为“一次,从前”,讲不通;用作连词,则与but矛盾。故选C项。

  7.A.classified B.occupied

  C.decorated D.painted

  答案:B 句意:随后我来到一家咖啡屋吃午餐,但桌子全________。classify分类;occupy占用;decorate装饰;paint油漆。根据but(表转折关系)可推知,咖啡屋的桌子是“坐满了”(occupied)。故选B项。

  8.A.share   B.reserve

  C.set   D.possess

  答案:A 句意:这时,我听到一个友好的声音说:“你可以和我________一张桌子。”根据下段首句中的“sat down with the __9__lady and we had a happy lunch together”可知,作者是和对方“分享、共用”(share)一张桌子。故选A项。

  9.A.old B.poor

  C.innocent D.stubborn

  答案:A 根据本段第五句中“I'm retired”可知,这位女士是个退休人员,故选A项。其他选项均没有依据。句意:我怀着感激的心情跟这位上了年纪的(old)女士坐在一桌,我们一起快乐地用了午餐。

  10.A.journey B.meal

  C.speech D.interview

  答案:B 根据上文两次出现的lunch可知,他们是坐在同一张桌子上吃饭。此处使用meal指代lunch。句意:午餐接近吃完的时候,她问我将在奥兰多待多长时间。故选B项。

  11.A.donated B.repaired

  C.hired D.guided

  答案:C 句意:我已经告诉她我没有租用小汽车,也没有意识到搭出租车会是多么昂贵。作者来此地开会和旅游,出行自然需要“租用”(hired)小汽车。故选C项。

  12.A.convenient B.worthwhile

  C.unfortunate   D.expensive

  答案:D 根据下文这位退休的老太太主动提出自己开车接送作者可见,搭乘出租车太“昂贵”(expensive)。故选D项。

  13.A.inspire B.entertain

  C.call D.drive

  答案:D 根据上文“My dear,don't use any more taxis”可知,这位退休的老太太提出自己开车接送作者。故选D项。

  14.A.business B.argument

  C.trouble D.challenge

  答案:C put sb. to the trouble of doing sth.为固定结构,意为“给某人带去做某事的麻烦”。此处that trouble指上句提到的drive you wherever you wish。故选C项。

  15.A.working B.staying

  C.moving D.shopping

  答案:B 老太太提出自己开车接送作者,自然要问清楚其住处。故选B项。

  16.A.appointed B.limited

  C.favourite D.regular

  答案:A 老太太提出自己开车接送作者,自然会和作者约定第二天接送的时间和地点。at the appointed time在约定的时间。故选A项。句意:第二天早上,她在“约定的”(appointed)时间来到我住的公寓等我。

  17.A.digest   B.explore

  C.perform D.calculate

  答案:B digest消化,领悟;explore探索,探寻;perform表演,履行,表现;calculate计算,推算。根据语境,老太太把作者送到迪斯尼乐园后,先陪游了一会儿,然后离去,让作者独自游玩,傍晚时分再来接作者。旅游属于“探索”,即在旅游过程于去发现迪斯尼的一些奥秘,故选B项。

  18.A.forgot B.refused

  C.returned D.preferred

  答案:C 根据上句“She spent some time with me before leaving me to __17__ alone.”可知,老太太中途离去了。所以,At the end of the day她再次“返回”(returned)来接作者回住处。故选C项。

  19.A.sent   B.lent

  C.offered D.owed

  答案:C 老太太开车接送作者,作者自然要付费,而不是“借给她钱”或“欠钱”,B、D两项均可排除。根据“but she refused to take any”可知,也不是sent,而是当时主动(offered)支付车费。故选C项。

  20.A.confidence B.dignity

  C.curiosity D.kindness

  答案:D 老太太帮助作者,这是kindness(善意),而不是confidence(信心)、dignity(尊严)或curiosity(好奇心)。故选D项。句意:我将决不会忘记这位好心的女士,她通过自己的善意让我在佛罗里达的短暂假期充满了美好的回忆。
