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中华考试网  2015-09-09  【


  China's Tea Villages

  In most Chinese tea villages, March is the time of year in __1__ locals start to pick and process tea. The usually quiet villages suddenly become busy centers of activity, as people take out special tools and prepare __2__ tea processing. In some villages, local residents hold traditional ceremonies, __3__(thank) heaven for its blessing. The price of tea __4__(pick) in March is extremely high because __5__ is fresh, tender and contains multiple trace elements.

  China __6__(be) famous for tea production since ancient times. Of the goods transported and traded along __7__ Old Silk Road linking China to the Middle East and Europe, the importance of tea was matched only by silk. China produces Oolong, black, green, white, yellow __8__ dark (post­fermented) tea. The Oolong, green and black __9__(vary)are most notable for their high quality.

  Most of China's tea villages are found in remote mountainous areas in the country's south and southwest, __10__ the beautiful scenery is often hidden under clouds.


  1.which 这里含有一个介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,指物只能用which。

  2.for prepare for是固定用法,意思是为……做准备。

  3.thanking “local resident”与“thank”之间是主动关系,故用现在分词,所以填thanking。

  4.picked “tea”与“pick”之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。

  5.it 指代“茶”,所以用it。

  6.has been 表示自过去某一时刻到说话时这段时间中的经历,用现在完成时。

  7.the 特指古老的丝绸之路,故用定冠词the。

  8.and 表示并列关系,故用and连接。

  9.varieties 作主语,故用名词形式。

  10.where 这里含有一个定语从句,且关系词在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where
