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中华考试网  2015-11-16  【

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  As a music teacher, I have always known that music touches the soul. It can 1 all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way. It can be the 2 for each child to find their light. I would like to 3 a story about it.

  For a few years I was 4 with the opportunity to teach disabled students. One of my most 5 students was a five-year-old girl called Vanessa, who had difficulty walking, and could not speak. We 6 sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to 7 on my lap(大腿). One of her favorite songs was John the Rabbit. It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the students 8 twice while singing the repeating phrase, “Oh, yes! ”Vanessa liked to 9 her hands together with mine and clap with me. We probably performed that song during every class, Vanessa and I clapping together. But she 10 said or sang a word.

  One day, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned around,  11 me in the eye, clapped her tiny hands twice and said the words “Oh, yes! ”I opened my mouth in 12 and for that moment I was the one who could not speak. When my heart 13 started beating again, I looked over at the assistant teacher to find her also 14 . Through music, we had made an awesome connection.

  Several years later, I met Vanessa on the street in town. She waved with a big 15 on her face and then clapped her hands twice, imitating the song we had 16 so many times in our music class. The little girl,  17 her connection with music, left an impression on me that will last forever. Every child has the 18 to learn and grow. It is up to us to 19 the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all must find each child’s 20 .

  【文章大意】音乐能够触及人们的心灵, 创造奇迹。

  1. A. get across B. put away

  C. take over D. break through

  【解析】选D。它能用一种特殊的方式突破各种障碍直击学生的心灵。get across被理解, 把……讲清楚; put away将……收起, 积蓄; take over接替, 控制; break through突破, 克服(障碍等)。

  2. A. means B. direction

  C. process D. effort

  【解析】选A。它可能是让每个学生发现自己的闪光点的方法。means方式; direction方向; process过程; effort努力。

  3. A. add B. talk

  C. share D. write


  4. A. blessed B. tired

  C. covered D. filled

  【解析】选A。在过去的一些年中, 我曾经有机会教残疾孩子。be blessed with享有(幸福等), 具有。

  5. A. troublesome B. hard-working

  C. memorable D. sensitive

  【解析】选C。其中我最难忘的是一个五岁的孩子。troublesome带来麻烦的; hard-working努力工作的, 尽心尽力的; memorable容易记住的, 值得纪念的; sensitive敏感的。

  6. A. hardly B. almost

  C. nearly D. mostly

  【解析】选D。我们通常坐在地板上上音乐课。hardly几乎不, 几乎没有; almost几乎; nearly将近; mostly主要地, 通常。

  7. A. stand   B. sit   C. lie   D. jump

  【解析】选B。联系上文“who had difficulty walking”可知这个小女孩是坐在我的大腿上的。

  8. A. sang B. said

  C. followed D. clapped

  【解析】选D。从下文“clap with me”可知答案, clap意为“拍手”。

  9. A. strike B. put

  C. give D. shake

  【解析】选B。Vanessa喜欢把她的手和我的手放在一起, 然后和我一起拍手。strike敲击; put放; give给; shake摇动。

  10. A. ever B. never

  C. still D. even


  11. A. looked B. saw

  C. glared D. noticed【解析】选A。Vanessa转过身, 直视着我的眼睛。look sb. in the eye直视某人的眼睛。

  12. A. horror B. delight

  C. astonishment D. embarrassment

  【解析】选C。我非常吃惊地张大了嘴。horror恐惧; delight高兴; astonishment吃惊; embarrassment尴尬。

  13. A. immediately B. fortunately

  C. slowly D. finally

  【解析】选D。因吃惊忘了呼吸, 忘了心跳, 但并不是不呼吸, 不心跳了, 而是最终回过神来了, 所以不能用slowly, 而用finally。

  14. A. happy B. grateful

  C. speechless D. hopeless

  【解析】选C。我看着那个助理教师, 发现她也惊讶得说不出话来了。speechless无语的。

  15. A. greeting B. smileC. expression D. sign

  【解析】选B。她脸上挂着微笑, 向我招手。

  16. A. performed B. operated

  C. trained D. organized

  【解析】选A。模仿我们在音乐课上唱了很多次的歌。perform表演; operate操作; train训练; organize组织。

  17. A. upon B. through

  C. from D. beyond

  【解析】选B。由上文“Through music”可知答案。

  18. A. standard B. ability

  C. plan D. necessity


  19. A. discover B. invent

  C. test D. make

  【解析】选A。得靠我们去发现通往学生心灵的路。discover发现; invent发明; test检测; make做。

  20. A. virtue B. dream

  C. light D. rhythm

  【解析】选C。我们都必须找到每个孩子的闪光点, 这句话和第一段中的“It can be. . . find their light. ”相照应
