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中华考试网  2015-09-14  【

  Passage 4

  体裁:记叙文 话题:真实生活 时间:7分钟

  One of those big social networking sites,Facebook,has attracted over 58 million members.Commentator Melody Cramer is no longer one of them.Here is what she shares with us about her story.

  I deleted all 1,281 of my co­workers,second­grade classmates and people who I don't know at all.I shut down my account,completely.I'm 25,and I've been on Facebook since March of 2004,which makes me one of the website's earliest users.

  At first,I used it obsessively.If I had a free moment,I'd log on to see whether my friends had updated their profiles.I'd sit alone scrolling through these updates and then run into someone at a coffee shop and have nothing to say because I already knew everything about them,and they knew everything about me.

  In November,I went to my five­year high school reunion and was not pleasantly surprised.Lauren became a model,Josh went to law school,Dina was a teacher.I hadn't talked to any of them since graduation,but I knew exactly what they were doing,both now and last week.But lately,I'm overwhelmed(应接不暇).Facebook opened up to everyone,not just college students,and my co­workers started to join,which meant they now knew what I was doing when I wasn't at work.

  And as a rule: you can NOT make friends with your coworkers because then they'll ask you the next day.But I thought we were friends.And you are friends but not the kind of friends who tell each other what they do outside of work.So now the people you work with can see what you did last night,and you're constantly worrying what people might say about what you did last night instead of actually doing anything tonight.

  So I quit.I became a 25­year­old Luddite,a person who is strongly against technology development.I've retuned to how the world worked when I was 20,before I knew when my friends and co­workers were counting down the seconds to vacation or wistful(伤感的) or entering a complicated relationship.I'm hoping life will be a lot simpler now.People will be more mysterious now that I actually have to talk to them to find out their favorite books or hobbies or neurosis(神经症).I don't know when my college roommate goes to the supermarket,and I think I'm a better person for not knowing.In fact,you could say getting off a social network was the best thing I've done this week.

  【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。评论员Melody Cramer曾是社交网站Facebook的忠实追随者,近日却毅然选择了退出。究竟是什么原因让她做出如此的决定呢?

  1.We learn from the passage that commentator Melody Cramer ______.

  A.had a 20­year membership of Facebook

  B.used to be very attached to Facebook

  C.was disappointed to meet her high school classmates

  D.was one of the founders of Facebook

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,Melody曾经对Facebook很着迷,故B项正确。

  答案 B

  2.Melody Cramer decided to quit Facebook mainly because ______.

  A.she made so many strange friends online

  B.she thought Facebook wasted her too much time

  C.she thought Facebook made her real­world life less interesting

  D.she was tired of chatting online with co­workers.

  解析 推理判断题。根据第三、四段内容可知,Melody Cramer经常在网上就已经知道了她朋友的一切,当他们真正碰面时却又无话可说,所以她觉得Facebook使她的真实世界的生活很无趣,故C项正确。

  答案 C

  3.Which of the following about Melody Cramer is TRUE?

  A.She has learnt a lot from Facebook on communication skills.

  B.She wishes that she could be several years younger.

  C.She no longer wants to know anything about her friends.

  D.She would prefer to face her friends and co­workers in the real world.

  解析 推理判断题。通读全文,特别是最后一段中的“I'm hoping life...their favorite books or hobbies or neurosis(神经症).”可推知,她更喜欢在现实生活中去面对朋友和同事,故D项正确。

  答案 D

  4.From her own experience Melody Cramer is seemingly trying to tell us that ______.

  A.staying online too often makes one overwhelmed and bored

  B.it is unwise to make online friends with people one doesn't know

  C.making online friends with co­workers affects one's personal life

  D.it is necessary to keep one's friends at a distance to remain mysterious

  解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,Melody Cramer以自己的亲身经历告诉我们:同事毕竟不是那种相互告知彼此下了班都做些什么的朋友,他们会影响你的正常生活,故C项正确。

  答案 C
