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中华考试网  2014-11-25  【



  5. I’m sorry, but computers of that type are not a (可得到的) for the time being.

  52. The c_______(结合of a good working environment and a high income makes him decide to stay in the U.S..

  53. Generally speaking, a good teacher has a p_______ (深远的influence on a child’s future.

  54. Apart from academic performance, we should also care much about the development of a student’s p______ (个性.

  55. Graduating from a medical school doesn’t mean that you are a q______ (合格doctor. You need practice as well.

  56. If you want to know more about our society, please keep in c________(联系with us anytime you like.

  57. He has made a good r________(名声for himself as a lawyer, as everyone in the neighborhood respects him.

  58. Every year the Dragon Boat Festival is observed in different places of China in m _______(纪念of Qu Yuan, a great poet in ancient times.

  59. With the National Day coming, all kinds of c________(庆祝are being held all over the country.

  60. If the environment continues to get worse with nothing done, sooner or later it will lead to the e_______ (灭绝of some animals.

  61. The cat felt c (好奇) when she saw her own reflection in the mirror.

  6. The s_______ (满意的) look on his face showed that he had found a new job.

  6. While e________ (遭遇) difficulties, we should keep calm and face them bravely.

  6. O________ (显而易见), traffic jams have become the biggest problem facing different governments.

  . At present, more and more species are in danger. How to save the e________ (濒的) animals is what we should do now.

  . In Japan, more and more r______ (退休) old people choose to live in the country instead of cities.

  . All the products sold in our store are usually g________ (担保) for one year.

  . On Christmas, the beautiful green trees d________ (装饰) with lights and colored glass balls give people hope that spring will come again.

  . Li Ning, the prince of gymnasts, has won 106 gold medals in various major c________ (比赛) across the world in his career life.

  7. The tallest buildings in London are small in c_________(比较) with those in New York.


  7. 如今,政府能采取紧急行动以应对紧急情况。

  Nowadays, the government can take immediate action ____ ____ ____ emergencies.

  72. 大部分的孩子认为父母为他们提供任何所需要的东西是理所当然的。

  Most children ____ it ____ ____ that their parents should provide for them whatever they need.

  73. 众所周知,有些报纸上的很多新闻是为了吸引公众注意以增加销售而捏造的。

  As is known to all, many stories in some newspapers are _____ _____ to attract the public attention and increase the sales.

  74. 英国是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的简称,由四个不同国家组成。

  The U.K. is short for the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, _____ _____ four different countries.

  75. 尽管我们是学生,但也能通过自身的努力让世界变得不同。

  Students as we are, we can also _____ _____ _____ in the society through our own efforts.

  76. 他说他会支持我并帮我找到合适的方法。

  He said that he would be _____ _____ _____ me and help me find a suitable method.

  77. 她把一生都献给了和平事业并在去世后被授予诺贝尔和平奖。

  She ____ ____ ____ the cause of peace and was awarded the Nobel Prize after her death.

  78. 大城市的犯罪率在上升。

  Crime in big cities is _____ _____ _____ .

  79. 新当选的成员决心全心全意为我们服务。

  The newly­elected members _____ _____ _____ serve us heart and soul.

  80. 演员们在表演之前做了精心打扮。

  The actors _____ _____ _____ carefully before the performance.

  81. 为了给我们一个惊喜,他们秘密地自己进行了训练。

  In order to give us a surprise,they trained themselves _____ _____82. 他说任何把这同一个信息发送十次的人都会发财。

  He said whoever sent the same message ten times would _____ _____ _____.

  83. 若干因素导致了这两个分数之间的不同。

  A number of factors _____ _____ the differences between the two scores.

  84. 她对饮食非常挑剔。

  She _____ _____ _____ what she eats.

  85. 我们应该与自然亲近,并留意简单生活带给我们的乐趣。

  We should get close to nature and _____ _____ ____ the simple pleasures life has to offer.

  七基础写作 :(共1题;满分15分)

  你是2016年北京冬运会的一名英语志愿者,除了给来自世界各地的运动员提供帮助外,你的另一使命是向他们传播中国文化, 其中包括中国传统节日的介绍。请根据下面的提示用英语写一篇短文,向他们介绍中国的端午节。


  名称 端午节 历史 2000多年 时间 每年的农历五月初五; 初夏,标志着一年最热季节的开始 庆祝活动 赛龙舟。以前:只有中国人庆祝;现在:越来越多外国人参加赛龙舟活动 特色食品 把糯米包裹在新鲜的竹叶里的粽子 [写作要求]



