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中华考试网  2012-02-06  【
 take vt.耗费(时间);需要
  I used to take a walk in the early morning. 我过去常一大早出去散步。
  take away 拿走,离开
  I want to take away the book which you showed me yesterday.我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。
  take back 拿回来
  take back one\'s words 收回(刚讲的话)
  take A for B 把A误认为是B
  take in sth 接受
  take in sb 欺骗
  take off 起飞,取消
  Before gold,even kings take off their hats. 在黄金面前,国王也要脱帽。
  take on 呈现,承担
  The U.S. will take one route, the Japan take other. 美国和日本采取不同的新路径。
  take on sb 雇用
  take up 占据(时间,地方),从事于
  take pride in =be proud of 引以为豪
  take turn 轮流 take in turn 依次
  take pains to do 努力做某事
  take a chance 碰运气
  take a lead 带头
  take effect 生效
  take charge of 负责
  take one\'s leave 告辞
  think v.思考;认为;想起中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
  Yes, I think so. 是的,我认为是。
  think about 考虑,关心
  What do you think about it? 你对此怎么看?
  think of 想起,记得,觉得怎样
  What do you think of their skill? 你觉得他们演奏技术如何?
  think of as 把...当作...
  think over 仔细考虑
  think out 想出,解决了,想清楚
  think back to 回想过去
  think well of 高度评价 think highly of 高度评价
  throw v.投射;摔倒 n.投掷
  to throw a plane 抛(纸)飞机
  throw about 到处扔
  throw away 扔掉,浪费(金钱),失去(机会)
  throw back 扔回来,阻止,进攻
  throw down 扔下来,****