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中华考试网  2015-03-17  【


  1. There are________ ________ ________a handful of shark attacks each year and only three deaths have been reported in the last five years.

  2.________ ________ ________ ________a crocodile has snatched someone before he or she is even aware that the crocodile is there.

  3.Australia is________ ________more than l70 different kinds of snake and 115 of these are poisonous.

  4.However, the majority________ ________ ________ ________humans or cause only mild sickness.

  5.If one is spotted an alarm is sounded to warn people to________ ________ ________the water.

  6.We know a lot about these early years of European settlement because most migrants________ ________their families at home and many of their letters still survive.

  7.These early settlers________their survival________hard work and determination to succeed.

  8.In hot weather, small planes fly along the coast________ ________ ________sharks.

  9.When jellyfish are________ ________the beach, you usually find a few dead ones on the beach.

  10.While________ ________ ________ ________Australians are bitten by spiders each year: most recover without any medical treatment.

  答案 1.no more than 2.From time to time 3.home to 4.have no effect on 5.get out of 6.corresponded with

  7.owed; to 8.looking out for 9.close to 10.a small number of


  1.A:His shirt was covered with spots of oil.

  B:His shirt________ ________ ________oil.

  2.A:Guards were seen throughout the store.

  B:Guards were________throughout the store.

  3.A:She ran like the wind.

  B:She ran________ ________.

  4.A:The earthquake survivors are in great need of help.

  B:The earthquake survivors are in________ need of help.

  5.A:Tom observed Mary enter the office.

  B:Mary was________ ________ ________the office by Tom.

  答案 1.was spotted with 2.spotted 3.very fast 4.desperate 5.observed to enter


  1. Neither side is prepared to talk to________unless we can smooth things over between them.

  A.others B.the other

  C.another D.one other

  解析 句意:除非我们能消除他们之间的矛盾,否则他们两人都不打算和对方讲话。others没有范围,指别人;another没有范围,指另一个;the other指两者中的另一方。根据neither一词选B项。

  答案 B

  2.—How about your trip to Britain?

  —Oh,________the bad weather, we enjoyed ourselves indeed.

  A.but for B.thanks to

  C.despite D.because

  解析 句意:——你们的英国之旅怎么样?——噢,尽管天气不好,我们确实玩得很尽兴。but for要不是;thanks to多亏,由于;despite 尽管;because因为。

  答案 C

  3. It is obvious that the hopes, goals, fears and desires________widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.

  A.alter B.shift C.transfer D.vary

  解析 句意:很明显男人和女人,富人和穷人在希望、目标、恐惧和欲望方面有很大的不同。vary between...and由……到……的情况不等。alter更改;shift转移,替换;transfer转换。

  答案 D

  4.She owes her success________good luck more than________ability.

  A.to;and B.of; to C.to; to D.to; in

  解析 句中owe的含义是“归功于”的意思,应与介词to连用。句中more than的意思是“而不是”,用作连词连接两个介词短语。句意:她把她的成功归功力于好运气而不是她的才能。

  答案 C

  5. It was April 29, 2011________Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.

  A.that B.when C.since D.before

  解析 句意:2011年4月29日,英国威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿走人婚姻殿堂。考查状语从句。根据句意可知空格处引导时间状语从句,故选B项。易误选A项,认为考查强调句型,如选A项,需在April 29,2011前加上介词on。

  答案 B

  6. People had to deal with the lack of food,clothing, fuel and most everything, ________the danger from enemy action.

  A.as far as B.as long as

  C.as well as D.as soon as

  解析 as well as=besides“除……之外(还)”;as far as“远到……,就/据……”;as long as“只要”;as soon as“一……就……”。句意:除了敌人行动的危险,人们还要应对食品、衣物、燃料的缺乏以及几乎一切事情。

  答案 C

  7. When the thief found the police had already________him, he ran away quickly.

  A.realized B.known C.spotted D.stared

  解析 spot作动词表示“发现,看见”,符合语境。

  答案 C

  8. Is it________sparing some time for your hobby while your classmates are concentrating on their lessons?

  A.worth B.worthy

  C.worthwhile D.valuable

  解析 句意:你的同班同学集中注意力在功课上时,你把时间用在业余爱好上值得吗? Is it worthwhile to do/doing...做……值得吗?

  答案 C

  9. Usually what the teacher says will have a deep________on a child.

  A.mark B.effect

  C.satisfaction D.expression

  解析 have a deep effect on对……产生深远影响。

  答案 B

  10. —Look at these black clouds. It________soon.

  —Sure. If only we________out.

  A.is raining; didn't come

  B.is to rain; won't start

  C.will rain; haven't started

  D.is going to rain; hadn't come

  解析 句意:——看那黑云,很快要下雨了。——肯定,我们要是没出来就好了。

  答案 D



  Mothers who live in areas that are moderately polluted by car gases give birth to babies with lower than average birth weight,a new Australian study has revealed.In particular,scientists from Australia found that women who lived in Perth suburbs with moderate traffic emissions had babies weighing around 60 grams less on average than the expected average weight of 3.5 kilograms.

  The conclusion was based on the analysis of the records of 1,800 pregnant women and their babies in three metropolitan areas.An association was found in only one of these areas,Perth suburbs,an area with low industrial activity,with a mix of polluted and quiet roads.Researchers said that they took the baby's weight at birth and then worked out their expected size under optimal conditions.At the same time,a computer model was calculating the concentration of traffic emissions around the homes of mothers up to the time they gave birth.

  Dr.Gavin Pereira,assistant professor,who specializes in the effects of air pollution on child's health,found in his previous research that Perth's traffic pollution was increasingly the risk for about seventy per cent of young kids who suffer from serious asthma(哮喘)attacks.He said the findings from that latest study were very surprising for him because the pregnant women who took part in the study did not live in heavily polluted neighborhoods.“I did not really expect to see any effect,so it was pretty surprising,although some international studies have found some associations,”said he.

  Researchers said that their results should not create any panic but rather be a warning signal for the future.The population grows each year so just that alone will increase the level of traffic emissions.Besides,the number of vehicle kilometers travelled is expected to go up so there are plenty of reasons why the problem of air pollution is going to get worse.

  In a conclusion,the experts said that while there is no reason for pregnant women to be scared,there is a recommendation for planners and developers not to build their homes in a short distance from busy roads.In general,people should try to put maximum effort to take public transportation and utilize cleaner engine technologies in order to reduce the vehicle emissions.

  【解题导语】 文章通过澳大利亚科研人员对生活在空气污染严重地区的孕妇所生孩子的体重进行科学研究。结论是:生活在空气污染严重地区的孕妇所生的孩子会比生活在空气轻度污染地区的孕妇所生的孩子体重更轻。目的是唤起人们去关注环境保护,关注人类的生存状态。

  1.Which one could be the best title for this passage?

  A.Some Advice on Where to Build Houses

  B.Air Pollution and Baby's Birth Weight

  C.Baby's Birth and House Building

  D.Air Pollution and Human's Life

  解析 该题考查学生对文章主旨大意或文章标题的归纳与概括能力。信息词句在第一段第一句:Mothers who live in areas that are moderately polluted by car gases give birth to babies with lower than average birth weight,即生活在中度污染区怀孕妇女所生的孩子比平常的更轻。贯穿整篇文章,始终扣住污染区妇女与新生婴儿体重之间的关系。

  答案 B

  2.Which of the following statements on the methods of drawing the conclusion is TRUE?

  A.by analyzing the records of 1,800 women and their babies in three polluted areas

  B.by weighing the newly­born baby and comparing the average in ideal conditions

  C.by using a computer to calculate the density of traffic gases where the babies are born

  D.by calculating the density of traffic gases during the whole period of pregnancy

  解析 该题考查学生的细节推断能力。关键信息在第二段:①took the baby's weight at birth ②worked out their expected size ③a computer model was calculating。

  答案 B

  3.The underlined word “associations” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to________.

  A.efficient corporations B.helpful organizations

  C.serious influences D.causal relationships

  解析 该题考查学生对生词词义或多义词词义的理解与推断能力。associations:有联系;结合;关联;友谊;协会。在该篇文中所表达的词义是:怀孕妇女在空气污染区生活与新生婴儿体重之间存在直接的因果关系。

  答案 D

  4.Why did Dr.Gavin Pereira feel UNEXPECTED at his current research results?

  A.Because the pregnant participants were not from the areas polluted seriously.

  B.Because about seventy percent of young kids suffered from serious asthma attacks.

  C.Because Perth's traffic pollution was increasing quickly.

  D.Because the pregnant participants all lived in the heavily polluted areas.

  解析 该题考查细节的推断。Pereira(佩雷拉)对目前实验结果感到意外,原因是他的实验对象不是来自污染很严重的地区。关键信息词在第三段第二句:findings from that latest study were very surprising for him because the pregnant women who took part in the study did not live in heavily polluted neighborhoods。

  答案 A


  Spain is always related with bold and unrestrained character.Barcelona,a beautiful city of Spain,is the most famous city in Spain.

  Compared with Madrid,the capital of Spain,Barcelona has a much longer history,In the 8th century,Moors conquered Spain.Barcelona acted as the focal point for the exchange of scholar and scientific knowledge between the European and Muslim world.Before the 16th century,it was the center of Spain.In 1493,the monarch(王室)received Columbus in the Royal Palace in Barcelona.In the 16th century,Spain stepped into its golden age.The Monarch made Madrid,which is in the center of Spain,the capital of Spain.

  Because both the east and west cultures have deep influence to Barcelona,today we can see many Christian buildings as well as Islamic(伊斯兰教的)buildings there.Gothic Quarter(哥特区)is the old town district.Many old houses and monuments are found there.

  There are many beautiful parks in Barcelona.Giudadella Park is the most famous one.It's designed so well that UN­ECO declared it as a world heritage site(遗址).

  Barcelona has many interesting festivals.Giants,Big­head figures,precessions,musical performances,fireworks,cultural and sport events and open­air dancing are held in the city.

  5.It can be inferred that the people of Barcelona are good at________.

  A.combining both old and modern,east and west cultures

  B.building palaces

  C.bulding parks

  D.building world heritage sites

  解析 推理判断题。因为从第一段知道“巴塞罗那是西班牙的一颗明珠”。第二段讲“巴塞罗那成了东西方文化的交汇点和交流中心。直到16世纪,巴塞罗那一直是西班牙的政治文化中心”。第三段讲“因为东西方文化的共同影响,在巴塞罗那,你即可以看到西方的哥特式建筑物,又可以见到东方的穆斯林建筑物”。综合推断,巴塞罗那人民善于把古今文化和东西方文化整合在一起。

  答案 A

  6.It can be inferred that Barcelona________.

  A.has few interesting festivals

  B.has a long history with splendid culture

  C.had many Royal Palaces built in some places of interest

  D.had much gold

  解析 推理判断题。从第一、二两段大意“巴塞罗那是西班牙的一颗明珠,是东西方文化的交汇点和交流中心。一直是西班牙的政治文化中心”推断,“巴塞罗那有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化”。

  答案 B

  7.When did the monarch receive Columbus in the Roval Palace in Barcelona?

  A.In the fifteenth. B.In the fourteenth.

  C.In the sixteenth. D.In the seventeenth

  解析 细节理解题。从第二段信息句“In 1493,the monarch...Columbus in the Royal Palace in Barcelona.”理解得知。

  答案 A

  8.In Barcelona,you can see________.


  B.both west and east politics

  C.many east palaces

  D.many Christian buildings and Islamic buildings

  解析 细节理解题。从第三段信息句“today we can see many Christian buildings as well as Islamic buildings there.”理解得知。

  答案 D
