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中华考试网  2015-03-11  【


  Steven Paul Jobs(斯蒂芬·乔布斯)was born in San Francisco on Feb.24,1955,abandoned by his biological parents from Syria and then adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs.

  Mr.Jobs developed an early interest in electronics.He was guided by a neighbor,and electronics hobbyist.He was brash from an early age.As an eighth grader,after discovering that a crucial part was missing from a frequency counter he was assembling,he telephoned William Hewlett,the co­founder of Hewlett­Packard(惠普公司).Mr.Hewlett spoke with the boy for 20 minutes,prepared a bag of parts for him to pick up and offered him a job as a summer intern.

  Mr.Jobs met Mr.Wozniak while attending the high school.The two took an introductory electronics class there.

  The spark of their partnership was provided by Mr.Wozniak's mother.Mr.Wozniak had graduated from high school and enrolled at the University of California,when she sent him an article“Secrets of the Little Blue Box”,which detailed an underground hobbyist culture of young men known as phone_phreaks who were illegally exploring the nation's phone system.

  Mr.Wozniak shared the article with Mr. Jobs,and the two set out to seek an abstruse figure identified in the article as Captain Crunch.The man had taken the name from his discovery that a whistle coming in boxes of cereal was tuned to a frequency that made it possible to make free long-distance calls simply by blowing the whistle next to a phone handset.

  Captain Crunch was John Draper,a former electronic technician.Learning that the two young hobbyists were searching for him,Mr.Draper had come to Mr.Wozniak's dormitory room,where the three of them held a meeting.

  Based on information they collected from Mr.Draper,Mr.Wozniak and Mr.Jobs later joined together on building and selling blue boxes,devices that were widely used for making free and illegal phone calls.They raised a total of $6,000 from the effort.

  In 1972,Mr.Jobs went to Reed College,but after one semester he left college because it was consuming all of his parents' savings.Leaving school,however,freed his curiosity to follow his interests.Actrally that turned out to be priceless later on.

  【解题导语】 文章介绍少年乔布斯对电子兴趣的形成与发展过程。作者重点描写少年乔布斯是如何对电子技术产生浓厚兴趣与强烈的好奇心,以及研发成实用产品的迫切心情。全世界人都学乔布斯,都想像他一样成功。该文章就为当代中学生向乔布斯学习点明了方向。

  5.They all had much influence on the early development of Jobs' electronic interest EXCEPT________.

  A.Mr.Wozniak's mother B.William Hewlett

  C.Little Jobs' neighbor D.Mr.Draper

  解析 该题考查学生的信息综合与概括能力。文中介绍了乔布斯少年时期对电子兴趣的形成与发展的过程,在这过程中有三个人对他影响很大,并给予了较大的帮助,他们分别是:第一个是在第一段的乔布斯的邻居(a neighbor),他是一个电子爱好者,曾指导过他,算得上他的启蒙老师;第二个是惠普公司的创始人Mr.Hewlett,不仅给予解释而且提供大量的电子零件供他挑选;第三个是退休电子技工John Draper当面指导并参与盗打电话系统的研发。

  答案 A

  6.The underlined word “phone phreaks” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to________.

  A.the Little Blue Box

  B.a whistle coming in boxes of cereal

  C.a figure which is hard to understand

  D.a person illegally calling at others' expense

  解析 该题主要考查学生对文中生僻词语意义的推断。关键信息是phone phreaks后面的定语从句:who were illegally exploring the nation's phone system,即非法盗打别人电话的人。

  答案 D

  7.What important part of Mr.Jobs's career developing did Mr.Wozniak's mother play?________.

  A.suggesting Mr.Jobs and Mr.Wozniak reading“Secrets of the Little Blue Box”

  B.promoting the direct cooperation between Mr.Jobs and Mr. Wozniak

  C.recommending Mr.Jobs and Mr.Wozniak to invent a new phone phreaks

  D.introducing Captain Crunch to help Mr. Jobs and Mr.


  解析 该题考查学生对细节的推断能力。Mr.Wozniak(沃兹尼亚克)母亲对乔布斯的人生事业所起的作用在文章第四段的第一句:The spark of their partnership was provided by Mr.Wozniak's mother;这里的关键词是spark of their partnership(合作的火花);即,沃兹尼亚克的母亲主要的作用是她促成乔布斯与沃兹尼亚克的合作。

  答案 B

  8.Why did Mr.Jobs discontinue his college education?

  A.Because he failed to follow the course and pass all the exams.

  B.Because he was busy with his own electronic discovery.

  C.Because he wanted to earn money by himself,not by his parents.

  D.Because he was absorbed in making free and illegal phone calls.

  解析 该题考查细节理解。关键信息在最后一段的第一句:he left college because it was consuming all of his parents' savings,说明乔布斯离开大学是因为他不想消费他养父母的钱。这一细节的考查让学生知道乔布斯是多么的尊重父母,是多么有孝心与孝道。

  答案 C
