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来源:考试网  [ 2017年7月18日 ]  【

  21. I suppose you couldn’t let me borrow your car this evening, _____?

  A. couldn’t I B. don’t I

  C. could you D. will you

  22. _____ five hundred people are believed to have drowned.

  A. As many as B. As much as 58学习

  C. So many as D. So much as

  23. I chose a small room with the window _____ the street.

  A. faces B. faced C. facing D. to face

  24. _____ the rain we would have had a nice holiday.

  A. But that B. Despite C. But for D. In spite of

  25. “It’s too bad Rhonda is moving to Arizona.”

  “I wish it _____ so far away.”

  A. weren’t B. couldn’t be C. won’t be D. isn’t

  26. _____ I don’t like are the long, dark nights of winter.

  A. That B. What C. Which D. This

  27. The receptions, _____ job was to answer the phone, had laryngitis(喉炎).

  A. whose B. who C. who’s D. that

  28. The suggestions put forward by the workers to improve their working conditions were _____ by the factory owner.

  A. turned away B. turned down

  C. turned over D. turned through

  29. With apples at 25 cents a pound, we couldn’t resist _____ four pounds.

  A. to take B. took C. taking D. have taken

  30. Well-mannered children have usually been properly _____ by their parents.

  A. raised up B. borne up

  C. brought up D. got up

  31. Tom’s father, as well as his mother, _____ in New York for a few days more.

  A. asks him to stay B. asks he stays

  C. ask he to stay D. asks he would stay

  32. If we had known that she had planned to go abroad today, we _____ at the airport.

  A. will see her off B. would have seen her off

  C. would see her off D. must have seen her off

  33. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _____obtaining water is not the least.

  A. of which B. for what C. as D. whose

  34. He burned all the important papers _____ that should fall into enemy’s hands.

  A. unless B. so C. lest of D. for fear

  35. Literature and art have a great influence _____ people’s ideology.

  A. to B. on C. for D. onto

  1. B 关于美国历史,这个教师讲了有三个小时长,这让Mary 感到非常讨厌。upset 难过的,不安的; bored 令(人)厌烦; disturbed 打扰,扰乱,弄乱; neglected 忽视,忽略。

  2. D influenced (正面的)影响; effected (正面的) 影响; affected (坏的)影响;

  3. A 每个男孩儿和女孩儿被警示不准去那个湖里游泳,因为这个湖被污染了。以every开头,谓语动词用单数。

  4. C 她听到一阵可怕的声音,这让她心都提到噪子眼儿了。这是一个非限制性定语从句,定的是前面的一句话,这种情况下用which来引导。

  5. D to do a favour for sb 或to do sb a favour 帮某人个忙; 句子中do this small favour for me 意思是: 帮我一个小忙。

  6. D 这是一个头重脚轻的主语从句,wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日。

  7. A 你一定是做了个恶梦了,用完成时态。

  8. A 这道题考时态,考语序,However much the dictionary costs:不管这本词典花多少钱。

  9. B 我并不在意她是否给我道歉;whether or not “是否”,固定搭配用法。

  10. B stick to 坚持;我弟弟的缺点之一就是什么事儿都不能坚持太久。

  11. B cancel 取消,撤消; set off 出发,动身; postpone 延迟,推迟; delayed 延迟,耽误。

  12. D 当时要不是他姐姐的帮助,我就不能完成那项工作。

  13. A 选项A中的should省略,这句话是说:在开始一个新的项目之前,应考虑把重点放在将要实现的所有目标的必要性上。

  14. C favourite 受欢迎的,这句话的意思是:百分之六十的观众选择她为最受欢迎的演员。

  15. B 法官一定不能受政治压力的影响; be independent of 不受…影响。

  16. A cooking oil 是不可数名词,另外根据境可知:这个句子又表示肯定的含义,(若选C则表示否定含义,即一点也没有找到)所以选择A选项。

  17. D Al 的医生坚持要他休息了些日子; insist 后面用虚拟语气,should可省略。

  18. A go skiing 去划雪; 类似的还有: go shopping 去购物; go swimming 去游泳; go boating 去划船。

  19. B 固定搭配用法:to be on top form 处于最佳状态。

  20. A 你的行为令人感到震惊,你应当为此感到羞愧; be ashamed of … 为…感到羞愧。

  21. C suppose 后面的从句中为否定式couldn’t,而主句为肯定式,这是否定后移的用法,后面的反意疑问句要根据从句而定,故反意疑问句用肯定式could you。

  22. A 首先B、D不对,因为much后面修饰不可数名词; as many as 与…一样多,后面可以接具体的数字;而C项不正确,因为:so many as 如此众多的,后面不能出现具体的数字; drown 淹死;

  23. C 我选了一个窗户对着街道的小房间。现在分词短语做定语,主动含义。

  24. C but for… 要不是因为…;介词短语代替条件从句的用法。

  25. A wish后面接虚拟语气的用法。

  26. B what引导的名词性从句,这句话的意思是:我所不喜欢的是冬季那漫长而黑暗的夜晚。

  27. A reception 接待员,接待,招待会,接受;这是一个非限制性定语从句,whose job was 其工作是…。这句话是说:那个接待员,其工作是接电话,他得了喉炎。

  28. B turn down 拒绝; turn away 打发走; turn over 把…弄翻了; D项错误,没有这种形式。

  29. C resist doing … 禁不住…;看到苹果25分一磅,我们禁不住买了四磅。

  30. C bring up 养育; Well-mannered children 行为举止良好的孩子,有教养的孩子。有教养的孩子往往都是家长培养教育的结果。没有A项这种用法,因为raise是及物动词,后面不能跟介词; borne up 坚强,毫不气馁。

  31. A as well as his mother, 不影响谓语动词的使用,主语是Tom’s father,另外ask sb to do sth 要求(请)某人做某事,这句话是说:汤姆的爸爸,还有她的妈妈,要他在纽约再待一段时间。

  32. B 如果我们知道她计划今天出国,我们一定去机场给她送行了。前面的虚拟条件句是对过去情况的一种假设,谓语用过去完成时态, 故主句用would have done 这种形式。

  33. A 这是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代的是前面的problems, of which… 在…当中;

  34. D for fear that 以免,担心;他烧掉了所有重要的资料,以免落入敌人的手掌。

  35. B have a great influence on … 对…有很大的影响,这句话是说:文学和艺术对人们影响很大。

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