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来源:考试网  [ 2014年10月24日 ]  【

  Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

  Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

  36. The plan is not based on a careful survey and analysis and therefore is _______ to failure.

  A. supposed B. doomed

  C. certain D. likely

  37. During the heavy storm last week, we had to take ________ under a flyover.

  A. shade B. shelter

  C. shadow D. shield

  38. The three men were assigned jobs according to their_________ abilities.

  A. respectful B. respectable

  C. respective D. respecting

  39. We don’t know if the story is true or not, but we hope to _________ the truth in it.

  A. confirm B. introduce

  C. recognize D. conduct

  40. It is a desire shared by all those delegates present at the conference that financial cooperation ________ carried on in such a difficult situation.

  A. must be B. be

  C. has to be D. got to be

  41. __________ with the size of the ocean on earth, world continents seem really small.

  A. When compared B. While comparing

  C. Compare D. Comparing

  42. Scientists have discovered that many animals seem to be highly __________ to various signals associated with earthquakes.

  A. sensible B. sensual

  C. sensuous D. sensitive

  43. Our guests will be guided to safety through the fire-escape ________ a fire.

  A. as a result of B. in case of

  C. in the case of D. in the sake of

  44. Nowadays only a few university students manage to meet the __________, both mentally and physically, for the heavy burden in future work and life.

  A. request B. requirements

  C. qualities D. competence

  45. When told by their parents to eat some vegetables, many children only do so __________.

  A. readily B. unconsciously

  C. purposefully D. reluctantly

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