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来源:考试网  [ 2020年2月27日 ]  【

  21、You never told us why you were late for the party,( ) ?

  A. weren't you B. didn't you C. had you D. did you

  22、He's ( ) to know the answer.

  A. likely B. probable C. maybe D. probably

  22、He's ( ) to know the answer.

  A. likely B. probable C. maybe D. probably

  24、The heavy snow could not keep us ( ) going out to work.

  A. from B. on C. upon D. up

  25、They found the lecture hard ( ) .

  A. to be understood B. to understand C. for understanding D. to have been understood

  26、I learned how to ( ) a bicycle when I was six years old.

  A. drive B. ride C. pull D. draw

  29、All the afternoon he worked in his study with the door ( )。

  A. to lo ck B. locking C. locked D. lock

  30、He is so shy that he ( ) speaks in the public.

  A. often B. frequently C. seldom D. sometimes

  31、It isn't quite ( ) that he will be present at the meeting.

  A. certain B. sure C. right D. exact

  32、He told her nothing, ( ) upset her.

  A. that B. for which C. about which D. which

  33、It's too expensive for me. I can't ( ) it.

  A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford

  34、Would you like me ( ) the radio a bit?

  A. turning down B. to turn down C. turn down D. turned down

  35、"I saw Mary in the library yesterday." "You ( ) her, she is still in hospital."

  A. mustn't have seen B. could not see

  C. can't have seen D. must not see

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