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来源:考试网  [ 2019年8月3日 ]  【

  21. Jenny was always very _________ of her sister’s beauty.

  A) jealous B) hated

  C) curious D) pleased

  22. The two sides agreed on a _____ business venture in which both put up an equal amount of capital(资本).

  A) joined B) double

  C) joint D) common

  23. After suffering such unfair treatment, the child felt there was no _________ in this world.

  A) fairy B) equality

  C) justice D) chance

  24. You must walk slowly if you want your children to ________ you.

  A) keep in touch B) keep up with

  C) hold on to D) put up with

  25. 25. He receives so many letters every day that sometimes he ______ sufficient time to read all of them properly.

  A) lacks B) spends

  C) costs D) takes

  26. John and James are brothers. The former is a teacher; the ________ is an engineer.

  A) later B) last

  C) latter D) second

  27. The Americans and Russians have _____ many rockets into space.

  A) landed B) launched

  C) initiated D) attacked

  28. The gardens are beautifully __________.

  A) laid aside B) laid down

  C) laid off D) laid out

  29. As a result of a bomb explosion, oil has _________ out from the tanker.

  A) lacked B) leaked

  C) left D) dropped

  30. She ________ her elbows on her knees and cupped her chin in her hands.

  A) depended B) relied

  C) counted D) leaned

  31. If you do not work hard enough, you will soon be left _________ in your study.

  A) aside B) behind

  C) over D) off

  32. You can take this book away with you and read it at your _________ .

  A) freedom B) leisure

  C) pleasure D) spare

  33. He can’t speak his own native language well, ________ a foreign language.

  A) let alone B) let down

  C) let on D) let off

  34. The chief difficulty in my study _____ in understanding spoken English.

  A) lies B) lays

  C) laid D) lain

  35. He’s caught a bad cold and it’s not _______ that he will get it over before next Monday.

  A) unlike B) likely

  C) possibly D) probably

  36. He could not make us understood because his vocabulary was too __________ .

  A) lack B) absent

  C) rare D) limited

  37. His actions were not _________ his beliefs.

  A) in relation with B) in line with

  C) in terms of D) in touch with

  38. They hope he will _________ their expectations.

  A) live up to B) keep up to

  C) hold on to D) be according to

  39. I don’t like my present job; my boss has _________ too much work on me.

  A) landed B) burdened

  C) loaded D) handed

  40. Captain Johnson ordered his men to try to ________ the sunken ship.

  A) save B) seek

  C) locate D) local


  1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B

  11.C 12. A 13. A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17. A 18.B 19.C 2.C

  21. A 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. D

  31. B 32. B 33. A 34. A 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. C

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