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来源:考试网  [ 2016年5月19日 ]  【


  6. The old man says if you run after two hares (野兔) , you'll catch __________.

  A. both

  B. any

  C. neither

  D. either

  7. Can you do it __________ than that? Our clients expect the

  A. any better; best

  B. the best; best

  C. any better; better

  D. the best; better

  8. It seemed __________ that anyone should be unhappy on such a beautiful morning.

  A. important

  B. impossible

  C. possible

  D. usual

  9. She hasn't come yet. Her watch __________ have stopped. I will go and wake her up.

  A. should

  B. could

  C. can

  D. must

  10. She said Mr. Baker __________ to buy a new car because he his old one. It cost him 3,000 dollars.

  A. has; had lost

  B. had; has lost

  C. had; had lost

  D. has; has lost

  11. How can we ever do anything if we always __________ among ourselves?

  A. talk

  B. discuss

  C. quarrel

  D. shout

  12. Turn off the main road here __________ you will come to the lake.

  A. so

  B. and

  C. but

  D. or

  13. __________ he is thinking about now is not her health, but her safety.

  A. That

  B. What

  C. Whatever

  D. Which

  14. The little boy wanted to __________ up his hand to ask the teacher a question, but dared not.

  A. hang

  B. wake

  C. lift

  D. hold

  15. __________ was expected, he performed the task with success.

  A. Which

  B. That

  C. It

  D. As

  16. __________ as a writer, I don't like him as a man.

  A. As I admire him much

  B. How ! admire him much

  C. How nuch I admire him

  D. Much as I admire him

  17. She __________ some time trying to figure out what they would be doing.

  A. cost

  B. takes

  C. paid

  D. spent

  18. He didn't give up smoking although he knew he __________.

  A. ought to do

  B. needn't do

  C. ought to

  D. needn't

  19. The story of the film is __________ and the music is to the ear.

  A. excited; pleased

  B. exciting; pleasing

  C. excited; pleasing

  D. exciting; pleased

  20. They decided to __________ the meeting until after Christmas.

  A. put, away

  B. put, down

  C. put, off

  D. put, up

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