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来源:考试网  [ 2015年9月17日 ]  【

  21.—Do you think we’ll still catch the train?

  — Well, we won’t we walk faster.

  A. as B. unless C. until D. no matter how

  22. —Do you mind if I smoke here?

  — .

  A. No, please don’t B. Yes, please

  C. No, not at all D. Yes, if you like

  23. —May I move your bag a little and take this seat?

  — .

  A. I don’t mind B. Go ahead C. It doesn’t matter D. You do it, please

  24. —When will you be free this month, Mr. White?

  — , maybe we’ll be free next Sunday.

  A. Let me be B. Let me see C. Think it over D. I’m afraid

  25. —May I come to attend your lecture?

  — .

  A. No, you’d better not come B. Sure

  C. It’s not worth listening to D. My pleasure

  26. He said he had bought dictionary week before, and

  dictionary was great help to him.

  A. a…the…the…a B. a…/…the…/

  C. a…/…/…a D. the…the…the…the

  27. Mr. Brown, together with his students, to the Science Museum.

  A. has gone B. are going C. have gone D. have been

  28. Although he was in a hurry, he stopped the old man to carry the heavy box.

  A. helping B. to help C. being helped D. helped

  29. During the holidays I shall help my father .

  A. with working B. with his work C. for work D. for working

  30. —Where on earth do we get light and heat?

  —It is from the sun we get them.

  A. which B. on which C. where D. that

  31. It’s about time that this problem .

  A. to settle B. should be settled C. be settled D. to be settled

  32. A person a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language

  all his own.

  A. learning, forgetting B. who learns, to forget

  C. to learn, to forget D. using, but

  33. Einstein was given the Nobel Prize Physics in 1921.

  A. in B. at C. on D. for

  34. In the geography lesson, the teacher told the children that the earth round like a ball.

  A. was B. is C. were D. had been

  35. His father died and him a lot of money.

  A. sent B. afforded C. left D. gave

  36. No sooner had he left the police arrived.

  A. when B. then C. than D. before

  37. Still water run .

  A. quick B. deeply C. deep D. quickly

  38. He often goes to school by bike it rains.

  A. besides B. except for C. except D. except when

  39. It is important us the balance of nature.

  A. for…to keep B. of…to keep

  C. for…keeping D. of…to have kept

  40. There is little ink in the bottle, ?

  A. isn’t there B. isn’t it C. is there D. is it

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